I used to think I would never give up meat. I guess it is still an experiment. What we did was keep adding more fresh produce and and assortment of grains and nuts to our diet. Eventually, over the course of a few years it became obvious meals heavy in meat just did not feel as good inside me. That combined with the knoweldge of just how disgusting commercial meat production actually is (both for animals and the planet) really made me want to at least try not eating it. In about a month it will be one year. I by all means feel better. And really that is my primary goal. Feeling better. If I do start to eat meat again I will be very strict as to where it is from and much smaller portions. One of the farms I work at has cows that are so well cared for they actually play like puppys. And I heard they are delicious.
If you want to try one....
Also. If I wanted organic steer shit for boomers I would think my farmer friend has the good shit.