Colloidal Silver to make fem seeds question

see also the DIY Colloidal Silver link in my sig, many years of Q&A

and yep i wouldn't wanna smoke it... colloidal/elemental silver isn't the problem, it's all the dodgier things it can become via a reaction with other chemicals in the bud when you're burning it (i don't know which but just guessing possibly things like silver nitrate, silver chloride etc...).

For this reason I would personally never "spray just 1 branch, and leave the left of the plant smokeable".

And for that reason, I always just spray the entire plant with CS, seeing as I consider the whole plant a non-consumable write-off.

ps. I'm not a chemist, I don't know how much silver is transported throughout the plant once foliar-sprayed onto one branch, and I don't know which silver-based compounds are created during smoking, but these are my concerns, and unless somebody can provide evidence that it's safe it just seems like a stupid thing to take a risk on ... use CS to create feminised pollen, nothing else.
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The short answer is yes.

However, the length of time it takes to turn the girl into a male pollen producer can be awhile. I recommend, having a couple of clones ready from whichever plant(s) you hope to pollinate and putting them into flower at various times. That way you'll have a girl in flower at the right time as the timing of when you actually get viable pollen can vary. With girls, timing is everything.

You could cut several clones from the same plant you are spraying to create the pollen or use a completely different plant, doesn't matter.

That's what I do. I take a couple clones and turn one male and pollinate the other one. I'll also use any pollen made to pollinate a branch or two of what I might have in flower as well. I've made so many crosses that It will take me years to try them out.

I don't use collodial silver to reverse sex. I use a silver nitrate/sodium thiosulfate solution to reverse sex. The end result is the same but you only need to spray once though I always give a second dose a week after the first for good measure. There is a thread about making the solution. Either way works.
That's what I do. I take a couple clones and turn one male and pollinate the other one. I'll also use any pollen made to pollinate a branch or two of what I might have in flower as well. I've made so many crosses that It will take me years to try them out.

I don't use collodial silver to reverse sex. I use a silver nitrate/sodium thiosulfate solution to reverse sex. The end result is the same but you only need to spray once though I always give a second dose a week after the first for good measure. There is a thread about making the solution. Either way works.

Recently I cleaned up a bunch of older seeds which I realized I probably would never pop and will give the better ones to friends, while the rest may go to my own personal highway beautification program in a prohibitionist state's median strip.
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Recently I cleaned up a bunch of older seeds which I realized I probably would never pop and will give the better ones to friends, while the rest may go to my own personal highway beatification program in a prohibitionist state's median strip.
Recently I cleaned up a bunch of older seeds which I realized I probably would never pop and will give the better ones to friends, while the rest may go to my own personal highway beatification program in a prohibitionist state's median strip.

The median strip thing would be epic if they made it.

I hike a bunch and have several locations I want to start some stuff. I would make sure to plant a bunch of regular seeds so that there would be some males. Go back in a couple years and see if there is a native population of cannabis. Now that would be cool.

Probably wouldn't work but something I want to try.
Costs about $40 to buy these chemicals and you just mix it up when you're ready. Spray once and done supposedly. I always spray a second time to make sure. It's worked every time I've used this method.

Costs about $40 to buy these chemicals and you just mix it up when you're ready. Spray once and done supposedly. I always spray a second time to make sure. It's worked every time I've used this method.


I started using "colloidal silver" awhile back generated via a homemade contraption with a 9 volt battery and silver rounds suspended in distilled water. I've also used purchased colloidal silver and that worked, but it did require frequent spraying. I like the idea of spraying less. Thanks for posting your method. It has me thinking...
and gibberellic acid is the other main one people have had success reversing with, along with colloidal silver and silver theosulphate. Always good to have options :)
To the OP and anyone else curious about the CS process, its toxicity, its development, and even a very solid explanation of how it works and what it is and isn't doing to your plant.

Long story short the silver particles go through the cell walls and inhibit a particular part of the plant from signalling to the plant that it is a female, which the plant responds by growing male parts. However, since the plant is still a female genetically it produces female pollen. Then when the female pollen is used to pollinate a female flower, it has 2 female parents, and therefore all of its offspring will be female.
Man I am trying this shit. What is the ratio? I am gonna do a shit load more research before my next grow and veg a fem seed a week then flip for this shiz. I got 5 kinds on the way I am gonna cross the shit out of
To the OP and anyone else curious about the CS process, its toxicity, its development, and even a very solid explanation of how it works and what it is and isn't doing to your plant.

Long story short the silver particles go through the cell walls and inhibit a particular part of the plant from signalling to the plant that it is a female, which the plant responds by growing male parts. However, since the plant is still a female genetically it produces female pollen. Then when the female pollen is used to pollinate a female flower, it has 2 female parents, and therefore all of its offspring will be female.

Thanks for another link and quick run down. Appreciate you man
Thanks for another link and quick run down. Appreciate you man
Just some more advice, continue spraying once a day even after the pollen sacs form, otherwise you run the risk of the sacs not actually producing any pollen. I've tried it both ways side-by-side and it does make a huge difference.

You can make a CS generator, but it's actually pretty cheap to just buy some for this purpose. The one I've used the most (I am not the seller, this one just came up when I searched, it's just the only one I've used other than what I've made myself) is this:

Liquid Silver Solution, 16 Oz., 50 PPM, Silver Mountain Minerals;
I’ve done CS method it works fine. I’m no scientist but the word is that CS is very stressful for the plants. I’ve read that stress CAN possible make it more likely to pass on herm traits. I never had that problem. I made my own with a generator. Just make sure you don’t run out it takes 24 hrs to make a quart of it. STS method is suppose to be less stressful and therefore less likely to pass on a herm trait. This may or may not be true just repeating what I’ve read. So I’m actually coming to the end of my first run of the STS method. You mix 2 different solutions. Then combine them in the proper order and ratio and spray just like you would with CS .... BUT with this method you only spray every 5 days! So not only is it 1/5 the work you’re also spray 1/5 the amount of liquid in your area. Less humidity less chance of problems that come with high humidity ect. So I’m liking the STS method much better. Less work and the plants look much better and everything else is reversing in much the same way. Unless something unforeseen happens it’s STS for the win in my book and I haven’t collected one spec yet.
I’ve done CS method it works fine. I’m no scientist but the word is that CS is very stressful for the plants. I’ve read that stress CAN possible make it more likely to pass on herm traits. I never had that problem. I made my own with a generator. Just make sure you don’t run out it takes 24 hrs to make a quart of it. STS method is suppose to be less stressful and therefore less likely to pass on a herm trait. This may or may not be true just repeating what I’ve read. So I’m actually coming to the end of my first run of the STS method. You mix 2 different solutions. Then combine them in the proper order and ratio and spray just like you would with CS .... BUT with this method you only spray every 5 days! So not only is it 1/5 the work you’re also spray 1/5 the amount of liquid in your area. Less humidity less chance of problems that come with high humidity ect. So I’m liking the STS method much better. Less work and the plants look much better and everything else is reversing in much the same way. Unless something unforeseen happens it’s STS for the win in my book and I haven’t collected one spec yet.
Colloidal silver, if well made, doesn't really stress the plant. It's the crappy, store-bought stuff that burns the plant. If you make it properly (see my guide), the plant will be perfectly healthy, but will make female pollen sacs.