Cannaventure seeds thread

Hello, I was just gifted a sealed pack of Cannavetures "Star Berry Indica". Has anyone here grown this strain. Looking for a little info. Flowering times, possible phenos to expect or look for, any other grow tips for this strain??? Looking for a grow report .
I ordered PRK from greenpoint a couple weeks ago but strangely my money order hasn't made it yet, I'm not sure what will happen still waiting on GPS. I asked if I should give it more time or just call to trace the money order and hope somebody hasn't stolen and cashed it. I could then at least get mo refunded but I'd have to repay for PRK which would blow.

If I end up getting them I'll probably pop one or two soon and try for a pink/purple pheno.
I ordered PRK from greenpoint a couple weeks ago but strangely my money order hasn't made it yet, I'm not sure what will happen still waiting on GPS. I asked if I should give it more time or just call to trace the money order and hope somebody hasn't stolen and cashed it. I could then at least get mo refunded but I'd have to repay for PRK which would blow.

If I end up getting them I'll probably pop one or two soon and try for a pink/purple pheno.

Looked great as a seedling. Def on my shirt list for another run
Looked great as a seedling. Def on my shirt list for another run

I've popped 3 PRK so far - there were 8 in the 5 pack. All popped, but one stalled not long after emerging [ culled ], and the first has suddenly become extremely ill. I drained and refilled the bucket yesterday, and will stay it's execution for a few days at least. Of 14 various seedlings, only those 2 have been anything but normal happy young 'uns. I'm perplexed.
Yea, I popped one of each:

Cookie wreck
Animal Cookies

And they all did well, but I killed one. Don't remember how but I did. Either animal cookies or PRK since I doubled labeled both of them. The remaining two look great. So I'll be able to tell if it was the animal cookies or PRK giving me issues in a month or so once I'm ready to flip.
I've popped 3 PRK so far - there were 8 in the 5 pack. All popped, but one stalled not long after emerging [ culled ], and the first has suddenly become extremely ill. I drained and refilled the bucket yesterday, and will stay it's execution for a few days at least. Of 14 various seedlings, only those 2 have been anything but normal happy young 'uns. I'm perplexed.
Damn that's no bueno. I haven't heard much about the PRK other than seeing a few finished plants. Hope they turn out for you.
Cookie wreck oddball pheno?
Planted 7, they all look very similar
Except one of then.

Has roundish, wrinkled leaves.
Much larger than the rest.

Anyone seen this with this strain?