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Am I allowed to add synthetic nutrition to my plants as I have organic soil and read somewhere that kills everything the plant needs from the soil?
Yes you can but it literally defeats the purpose of having organic soil.Am I allowed to add synthetic nutrition to my plants as I have organic soil and read somewhere that kills everything the plant needs from the soil?
What kind of soil?So I don't need to add all these bloom or grow I see all over? My soil technically has it already?
Even a great organic potting mix will not have everything it needs...
I top dress with dry nutrients, then use the premade organic teas/liquid nutes from Roots. Truly some of the best quality organics I’ve found. As a n00b, I used MG Nature’s Care due to accessibility, switched to Dr. Earth, then FoxFarms nutrients like Bat Guano, but when I came across roots, it was the start of a long and prosperous relationship. Particularly, I think if anything, the OregonismXL inoculant is indispensable in comparison to other inoculants.Yeah, potting mixes are weird, everything from tree branches with a bit of nitrogen added to something a little better...but I haven't found anything organic that was great.
So - and YMMV - but I've landed the following mix(s) for soil. Works across a wide variety of vegetables - weed is less picky. Nothing shockingly new, but it's solid.
A) Mixed compost - combination of worm/cow/chicken composted manure.
Note: Use at least 2 composts, especially if one of them is worm castings (which is awesome with bonus humic acid and Ph fixing.. but a little N heavy)
B) peat moss or something similar
C) vermiculite (or perlite if that's what you can find)
Pick #1 or #2 recipe. #2 probably for this purpose.
#1) 30% A B and C (1:1:1)
#2) 50% A and 25% B and C (2:1:1)
Benefits - hold enough moisture but drains well if over watered. Works better than anything else I've tried for cloth pots. Works for anything you want to grow except for maybe blueberries and similar super picky plants where you'd need to add acid mix or something. This mix will not burn your plants or seedlings. It'll be a while before you need to fertilize (if ever) and the makeup of the soil let's top dressing or liquid organics hit the entire rootball when you feed