potassium sulfate in water for fertilzer

plants, esp. buds, were extra floral like pussy rose. 2 strains exibited this and the other smell extra where there are sweet notes. could be the mix or could be the ks02

The following will help you convert to % P and % K:

  • P2O5 consists of 56.4% oxygen and 43.6% phosphorus by weight. To get the % P value, multiply the reported NPK value by 0.436, or approximately half of the reported value.
  • K2O consists of 17% oxygen and 83% potassium by weight. To get the % K value, multiply the reported NPK value by 0.83.
Using this information you can see that a fertilizer NPK number of 10-10-10 contains 10% nitrogen, 4.36% phosphorus, and 8.3% potassium. These conversion numbers will help you determine the correct amount of fertilizer...
i have to add about 800 ml to 10 tsp or aprox 70 g of k2so4 and shake to get most of it to disolve. so i can't make it as concentrated as i want but can use it. any body know how i could use it dry?

Potassium sulfate is only one-third as soluble as KCl, so it’s not as commonly dissolved for addition through irrigation water unless there’s a need for additional S.

Several particle sizes are commonly available. Manufacturers produce fine particles (smaller than 0.015 mm) to make solutions for irrigation or foliar sprays, since they dissolve more rapidly. And growers find foliar spraying of K2SO4 a convenient way to apply additional K and S to plants, supplementing the nutrients taken up from the soil. However, leaf damage can occur if the concentration is too high
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First off. You buy the finest screened stuff you can find.

Dry use is 1/4 tsp per gallon.

A 10% K2SO4 solution is 382 grams per gallon of RO water....Shake, shake, shake

I use a 6% and prefer that over the 10.... 227 grams per gallon.

Adding a carb source will feed the soil bio's and create a better uptake.....You also get some micro's from the "dark" in the sugar!

6% is applied at 10 ml per gallon of feed...
10% at 5 - 10 ml per....
First off. You buy the finest screened stuff you can find.

Dry use is 1/4 tsp per gallon.

A 10% K2SO4 solution is 382 grams per gallon of RO water....Shake, shake, shake

I use a 6% and prefer that over the 10.... 227 grams per gallon.

Adding a carb source will feed the soil bio's and create a better uptake.....You also get some micro's from the "dark" in the sugar!

6% is applied at 10 ml per gallon of feed...
10% at 5 - 10 ml per....
I am trying this right now.
Only made 1/2 gallon of the 6% solution and there was a lot of "debris" at the bottom of the bottle that I filtered out.
Most of it was black, like dirt from the manufacturing process. But there were also white bits that were not soluble. (I let it sit overnight.)
I am trying this right now.
Only made 1/2 gallon of the 6% solution and there was a lot of "debris" at the bottom of the bottle that I filtered out.
Most of it was black, like dirt from the manufacturing process. But there were also white bits that were not soluble. (I let it sit overnight.)

Hunh, Who's your K source?

I've never yet had that issue with Greenway compounds.....Ultra fine screened to......
Seems "odd" to me but, I wasn't there....
I do add fermented molasses to mine sometimes.....That one goes in the organic runs.....Without goes for the synthetic runs...
? Dr who I believe that I might feel the same way, who is your k source, it sounds like you disregarded some very beneficial humic acid. Before I can continue I'm guessing the white bits were silicon dioxide, which is a tetra it connects the humic to better feed the plant. If worried about the black stuff maybe try adding an enzyme to break it down from macro to micro. Now this microbe colony in organic is ready for that fermented mollases.
Excellent research esh dov eta. General knowledge though, organic or hydro. To get k2so4 to dissolve better lower that pH with some nitric acid to 5.5 to 6. Add first then your phosphorous last. If pH is where you want it then I suggest your base b amonium nitrate or even better urea. Another cool trick to keep the k2so4 from dissolving to quick is investing 5 bucks in panda plastic. White side up
? Dr who I believe that I might feel the same way, who is your k source, it sounds like you disregarded some very beneficial humic acid. Before I can continue I'm guessing the white bits were silicon dioxide, which is a tetra it connects the humic to better feed the plant. If worried about the black stuff maybe try adding an enzyme to break it down from macro to micro. Now this microbe colony in organic is ready for that fermented mollases.

I deliver Humic's/Fulvic's another way......I want a simple and clean K sulfate supplement.. I like the light micro content for the organic runs......"sometimes" only with that too. Fe and Mn balanced soils don't get that.....Don't want to be putting other micro's in that....

Synthetic runs get limited micro supplementing from TM-7 use. Only done 2 times in bloom....There is your Fulvic acid chain acids being delivered. (Humic acid is simply a part of the Fulvic chain)
I'm using that for the ........ balanced Fe and Mn (and the other micro's). THC enhancing.......

BTW, fermented molasses. Has no carbs left in it....It's now in that form, A light micro source - organic.....I do my own molasses fermenting....
I use the sugar for the bio's carb source. Good level too
Excellent research esh dov eta. General knowledge though, organic or hydro. To get k2so4 to dissolve better lower that pH with some nitric acid to 5.5 to 6. Add first then your phosphorous last. If pH is where you want it then I suggest your base b amonium nitrate or even better urea. Another cool trick to keep the k2so4 from dissolving to quick is investing 5 bucks in panda plastic. White side up

I thought he was just asking for a straight K sulfate supplement...

But I gotta ask.....Ammonia based nitrates deliver better then Urea based nitrates. Really better for younger plants too...
So why are we adding any N or P to a K supplement anyway?
I thought he was just asking for a straight K sulfate supplement...

But I gotta ask.....Ammonia based nitrates deliver better then Urea based nitrates. Really better for younger plants too...
So why are we adding any N or P to a K supplement anyway?
I thought he was just asking for a straight K sulfate supplement...

But I gotta ask.....Ammonia based nitrates deliver better then Urea based nitrates. Really better for younger plants too...
So why are we adding any N or P to a K supplement anyway?
N or your micro gives the k a chance to when added in right doses makes an ionic bond changing the chemical structure slightly so that k becomes less likely to dissipitate. Then you absoloutley must have enough k in your solution to create a covalent bond with p, p is reactive and will eliminate k if added first. Agreed amonium nitrate rocks especially in veg, urea is more of a backup towards the end of flower.
I use AC (Alpha Chemicals) K2SO4 and it's definitely not "ultra fine screened"... :roll:

Less soluble compounding by AC!

I like Greenway Biotech....


This stuff dissolves well..Very well!....Like @Mellowthecat50 said.... If your having problems with the compound...pH the water to hydro requirements and mix at that pH....
Agreed amonium nitrate rocks especially in veg, urea is more of a backup towards the end of flower.

You find that in some of the"better" mid to late supplements containing an NPK and Humic delivery.....Perfect example is the wonderful product SeaGreen...... I liked that a lot back when doing large amounts of synthetic running.....I still use it from time to time with some older strains in synthetic runs..... Good product!
First off. You buy the finest screened stuff you can find.

Dry use is 1/4 tsp per gallon.

A 10% K2SO4 solution is 382 grams per gallon of RO water....Shake, shake, shake

I use a 6% and prefer that over the 10.... 227 grams per gallon.

Adding a carb source will feed the soil bio's and create a better uptake.....You also get some micro's from the "dark" in the sugar!

6% is applied at 10 ml per gallon of feed...
10% at 5 - 10 ml per....
so that's about .10 per ml for 10% if u round 3785.4 ml per gal to 3820.0
i've been using 70g per liter so i estimate that's around 7% solution and i added 5-15 ml per gal or sometimes a solution of 17 grams to 500 ml (3%) was poured in outdoor pots before or after watering.
i'll start adding molasses now that i'm sure how much to use.
? Dr who I believe that I might feel the same way, who is your k source, it sounds like you disregarded some very beneficial humic acid. Before I can continue I'm guessing the white bits were silicon dioxide, which is a tetra it connects the humic to better feed the plant. If worried about the black stuff maybe try adding an enzyme to break it down from macro to micro. Now this microbe colony in organic is ready for that fermented mollases.
i was just going to ask the thread what cha'll thought of adding humic for a stock solution.
First off. You buy the finest screened stuff you can find.

Dry use is 1/4 tsp per gallon.

A 10% K2SO4 solution is 382 grams per gallon of RO water....Shake, shake, shake

I use a 6% and prefer that over the 10.... 227 grams per gallon.

Adding a carb source will feed the soil bio's and create a better uptake.....You also get some micro's from the "dark" in the sugar!

6% is applied at 10 ml per gallon of feed...
10% at 5 - 10 ml per....
Info on the potasium sulfate from greenway how many grams per gallon and when do you cut it off