67% of Americans want to ban assault weapons

Kind of speaks to the dumbing down of the nation when allegedly 67% of those polled want something banned that is already banned, no?
Kind of speaks to the dumbing down of the nation when allegedly 67% of those polled want something banned that is already banned, no?
What is an assault weapon?
gun nuts always default to this comment. Then the discussion degrades into a technical discussion about firing mechanisms and not how to achieve the objective of getting large numbers of high power rapid fire large capacity fire arms out of the civilian population.

That said, agree the last assault weapon ban was full of holes and useless, so agree that it should have sunsetted. Personally, I'd say ban semi-automatics altogether. Each round has to be chambered through manual action.
Personally, I'd say ban semi-automatics altogether. Each round has to be chambered through manual action.

Excellent response and something I myself would be willing to vote for.
But if we ban guns that don't require a manual action to chamber each round, shooters will just use robots designed to manually chamber each round with lightning speed. Then robots will take over the human race! Why do you hate humanity?
It doesn't matter what the public wants anymore since corporations are now allowed to give sniveling politicians unlimited sums of money.
@schuylaar sez we should repeal something called Citizens United. Has anybody ever heard of this? Maybe we should do it. Damn, she has the best sources. Her "little birds" sure are smart. She's important!
I sold my bushmaster ar .308 and bought a bolt action rifle cause it's much more deadly in the field and puts more food on the table for less money. That being said i would always like my right to own either.

Guns are a bad topic for discussion really but the facts are there, a lot of shootings happen with ar type weapons but the majority of gun deaths are from handguns. Because the assault weapons are used more in "mass shootings" and mass shootings are more reported than singles or double murders and accidents, they end up taking a lot of the heat.

Roughly 33,000 people die each year in America from guns, 2/3 of that are suicide victims and a small percentage accidents.

Guns aren't the problem people with guns are, I agree that we could get some guns off the streets and it would help but by no means a full on weapons ban this will only create more criminals. I fear what we are witnessing here is a form political civil war happening systemically throughout our nation, it will never end and can only be fought from the inside, strict gun laws for sure but bans aren't the answer.
Top 10 causes of death in the USA

Heart disease
Chronic lower respiratory disease
Alzheimer's disease
Kidney disease
Suicide ( this includes gun deaths)
Gun deaths normally rank about 33,000 or so per year, of those about 10,000 to 12,000 will be Homicide's, the rest accidents and suicide. in 2013, they accounted for 21,175 suicide, 11208 homicide, 505 accident. I would expect the percent breakdown to be roughly the same other years.

That being said toddlers kill more people than terrorists and so does a lot of things like second hand smoke and alcohol.

I would submit to a mental health test...or rather a social stability test I would call it.

I think there's enough data to see this shit coming and stop some of it, I don't think taking ar type guns away will help much.
I guess I'm a "gun toting" liberal with slightly conservative feelings on abortion (and guns of course), but I'm slowly leaning towards full liberal. I can't stand the extreme spectrum of both sides though, it's really hard to believe people are actually like that.
there is no such thing as a right to own whatever gun you want. statewide assault weapon bans have been held up in the courts

the rest of your NRA drivel is not even worth addressing

I didn't say there was a right to own "whatever gun I want" I said I'd like to keep my right which I have now, to own both bolt action and semi automatic action weapons.

I like your passion in your beliefs Buck, I've read a LOT of your posts.

I support gun ownership not the NRA. I would never vote conservative so that's not really even a question. I think Obama was one of the best presidents in history personally.

It's just such a touchy subject, I personally don't feel safe with our law enforcement these days.

I live in the sticks though man and I personally need guns to provide food for my family. I believe the answer to gun violence hasn't been found yet, criminals will get their hands on guns no matter the case and good people need guns to protect.

The type of rifle used to kill someone is irrelevant to me, the events leading up to or the history behind the murders, the reason for what happened is what we want to know. It's not because he had an ar-15.

Take guns away and you get bombings, anyone can buy fertilizer or something explosive and a pressure cooker.

Regulation on a higher level is my vote.
there is no such thing as a right to own whatever gun you want. statewide assault weapon bans have been held up in the courts

the rest of your NRA drivel is not even worth addressing

Except you are still confusing a right with a government granted privilege.

Also, when you speak of banning guns, you don't actually mean banning them, you mean only people in government and their selected friendlies would own them and "lesser" people would not.

Didn't you say you had relatives loaded on trains in Nazi Germany? Did they keep their guns or did they obediently hand them over to Hiltler and his minions?

So, you, being a Trump hater want everyone to hand their guns over to "authorities" like Trump and his minions eh? I sure hope you come to your senses before you get loaded onto a cattle car.

Slavery was once upheld in a court too, so your citation is a little lacking.
I didn't say there was a right to own "whatever gun I want" I said I'd like to keep my right which I have now, to own both bolt action and semi automatic action weapons.

I like your passion in your beliefs Buck, I've read a LOT of your posts.

I support gun ownership not the NRA. I would never vote conservative so that's not really even a question. I think Obama was one of the best presidents in history personally.

It's just such a touchy subject, I personally don't feel safe with our law enforcement these days.

I live in the sticks though man and I personally need guns to provide food for my family. I believe the answer to gun violence hasn't been found yet, criminals will get their hands on guns no matter the case and good people need guns to protect.

The type of rifle used to kill someone is irrelevant to me, the events leading up to or the history behind the murders, the reason for what happened is what we want to know. It's not because he had an ar-15.

Take guns away and you get bombings, anyone can buy fertilizer or something explosive and a pressure cooker.

Regulation on a higher level is my vote.

Murder is illegal, (unless you're Obama droning somebody, then it's "collateral damage" ) maybe it should be regulated on a super duper high level and that will prevent it from ever happening?