Wrong Answer!

How to peel a cuke

In a future world where wire taps are illegal, three cops will do anything to make a collar. They turn streetwalker “Trixie”, star of analrama 32, into an informant and hide in her ass to surprise the bad guys. The calls are coming from INSIDE her anus!!! Watch the commitment, as they endure Trixie’s regular job, sometime’s helping to speed things up, so they can make just one more arrest. It’s a shitty job, but it’s a calling.

I hope they make this a series.

The Asshole's Asshole

Born of white privilege, this overgrown man child lost everything over his addiction to the internet. He became too self absorbed to realize his wife was fucking half the guys at work, the mailman, the neighbors, the Fed Ex, Ups, DHL, and even the pizza delivery drivers, because she craved the intimacy he couldn’t provide. Realizing she had hit rock bottom when she caught and fucked a porch pirate, she finally took their child and left him; for a crack peddling pimp, anything better than what he had to offer. His construction business failed, and he lost all of his friends, save one or two other miserable souls he collected along the way.

His self loathing and bitterness fueled his malignant narcissism, driving him to the last place that would take him; a family member’s website, where he could run roughshod over everyone with impunity, and simply delete anyone who called him out. He hid behind the self given title of Social Justice Warrior, but his own race hating and name calling, like “retard” belied his true self. He was at rock bottom and didn’t even know it. When everyone had finally had enough and turned on him, he doubled down. This is the sad story of a man so pitiful, that even those capable of atrocity leave him to his own misery.