67% of Americans want to ban assault weapons

Ok so you ban the ar-15. Problem is there will be all kinds of illegal ones, and if those illegal ar's mysteriously disappear then the shooters move on to an ak. Ban the ak they go to they go onto a scar 16, ban that and the next gun will pop up. School shootings have nothing to do with gun control, they have everything to do with security. Why can someone just walk into a school. They shouldn't be able to. Schools should be completely secure. Stop pushing political agendas and fix the real problem. Secure the schools period.
Other countries banned those weapons and they have nowhere near the rates of mass shootings than in the US, in shools or otherwise. Also, see below
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Still haven’t said what you are.

How many of these suicides will be prevented by an assault rifle ban?

And how many will just go back to taking pill overdoses like the old days?

You don’t read to good huh?
not interested in preventing suicides. that epidemic mainly plagues white men. good riddance to the stupid fucks.

what i'm focused on is mitigating or preventing gun massacres at our schools.

why do you think shooting yourself in the head with a gun doesn;t count as gun violence?
not interested in preventing suicides. that epidemic mainly plagues white men. good riddance to the stupid fucks.

what i'm focused on is mitigating or preventing gun massacres at our schools.

why do you think shooting yourself in the head with a gun doesn;t count as gun violence?

You are actually only talking to yourself about it.

You are a waste of conversation.
It was obvious. I was just discrediting the statistic he put up about gun death amounts as it related to mass shootings with assault rifles.

Everything is not politically sided the way he says.

the only thing you ever discredit is yourself, ya racist garbage bag.

i pointed out that the states with the highest rates of gun violence are all red states.

then you cried like the little right wing bitch-boy you are.

Screenshot 2018-02-23 at 2.22.28 PM.png
Ok so you ban the ar-15. Problem is there will be all kinds of illegal ones, and if those illegal ar's mysteriously disappear then the shooters move on to an ak. Ban the ak they go to they go onto a scar 16, ban that and the next gun will pop up. School shootings have nothing to do with gun control, they have everything to do with security. Why can someone just walk into a school. They shouldn't be able to. Schools should be completely secure. Stop pushing political agendas and fix the real problem. Secure the schools period.

The post below is the one jr was responding to.

Where in Justin's post did he say anything about and single model?

Gun control works.

Gun Control: How Australia Stopped Mass Shootings | Fortune
Fortune › Health › public health

Yeah, nowhere does he mention a model. JR is the one who got it wrong.

All Justin said was gun control works and posted Australia as an example of where it did.

JR is making it sooo complex because he's against gun control from the outset as if there is an alternative. There is not. Gun advocates had their chance and now it's time for the adults to tell the gun lobby and radical gun adovacates how it's going to be.

Use Canada and Australia as models for what kind of legislation works. Because it has proven to work. They also have a large rural and hunting segment. Gun violence excluding suicide is a fraction of what it is in the US.

This is not to say that there are plenty of gun owners who are rational about gun control and I hope they will work with legislators to arrive at gun control regulations that satisfy their needs and will finally bring gun related accidents and homicides in line with other nations similar to the US.
the only thing you ever discredit is yourself, ya racist garbage bag.

i pointed out that the states with the highest rates of gun violence are all red states.

then you cried like the little right wing bitch-boy you are.

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Yeah I looked it up. It is mostly suicides forming the numbers. You are arguing about assault rifles. That list doesn’t show where mass shootings occur most.

And I am sure not right wing at all. But I actually fear people like you more. You ignore the bigger picture to pretend you live in a socialist place.

You just want everything to be the republicans fault. You are completely transparent and kind of narrow minded buck.

But you keep acting racist and elite over everyone. This is a weed forum. Your hate is not welcome.

And you are not nearly as smart as you say.