It is illegal to grow without the license, and i do not care what advice anyone here wants to share. Many of my previous posts had comments from members saying to go ahead and if i am so worried then it must be for other reasons i am growing. No i just need to be legal with my career in life. that is all. One of my good friends has gone thru this scenario (about 1.5 years ago)and he was charged. His license showed up 2 weeks later. He is under the (MMAR?)His court case was dragged on and charges were played down to a lesser charge of sorts but still rendering him with a criminal charge. Say he had a shitty lawyer all you want but his lawyer was able to do a lot to get it to what it was with a lot of grief. It still cost a significant amount as well which i know many could not afford. So do not grow unless you know the circumstances. It is illegal until you have a license hanging in your room. Does not matter that you have prescription it is not a license to grow. And we can play on the semantics of the words all we want here.
You can say all you want that the courts will not charge you if you need your medicine etc. Well the courts have to follow the law and you are guilty until you have the license in your hand. They may be somewhat sympathetic and try and reach a better charge for you but again, it is illegal until you have a license. And if you want clarification then call this number to Health Canada (1-866-337-7705) and ask them directly as i have as well. They will let you know again it is illegal to do so.
But it is up to each of us to make the decision to grow with or without a license or challenge them in court. So do your own homework, don’t take my word or the anonymous word of our members unless you know it is gospel. Make a call so you know first hand.
Not trying to be an ass I just don’t want to see any more grief to people. The system sucks but until it is corrected those are the posted shitty rules.
As for growing before renewal or during I cannot comment on as I do not know.
Just sayin...