ACMPR - wait times

Not sure if it has been mentioned yet. But the annual renewals is absolutely a dirty tactic given the current state of our health care system. In my province just based on the number of people without family doctors tells me many are not even able to get a prescription let alone apply to provide or designate a provider for their own.
What I do know is unlike the registration process , growing before renewal is not seen as illegal. Some might say just go ahead and grow before being registered, but they aren't the ones having to deal with the court case that relies on a sympathetic judge and tons of cash most sick people do not have.
Renewal of your growing license is seen much different and if in processing is not seen as a criminal act.
Some people will tell you just to say fuck it on both fronts, but my own needs and those who rely on me do not have the luxury of losing that supply.
Cheers :)
It is illegal to grow without the license, and i do not care what advice anyone here wants to share. Many of my previous posts had comments from members saying to go ahead and if i am so worried then it must be for other reasons i am growing. No i just need to be legal with my career in life. that is all. One of my good friends has gone thru this scenario (about 1.5 years ago)and he was charged. His license showed up 2 weeks later. He is under the (MMAR?)His court case was dragged on and charges were played down to a lesser charge of sorts but still rendering him with a criminal charge. Say he had a shitty lawyer all you want but his lawyer was able to do a lot to get it to what it was with a lot of grief. It still cost a significant amount as well which i know many could not afford. So do not grow unless you know the circumstances. It is illegal until you have a license hanging in your room. Does not matter that you have prescription it is not a license to grow. And we can play on the semantics of the words all we want here.

You can say all you want that the courts will not charge you if you need your medicine etc. Well the courts have to follow the law and you are guilty until you have the license in your hand. They may be somewhat sympathetic and try and reach a better charge for you but again, it is illegal until you have a license. And if you want clarification then call this number to Health Canada (1-866-337-7705) and ask them directly as i have as well. They will let you know again it is illegal to do so.

But it is up to each of us to make the decision to grow with or without a license or challenge them in court. So do your own homework, don’t take my word or the anonymous word of our members unless you know it is gospel. Make a call so you know first hand.

Not trying to be an ass I just don’t want to see any more grief to people. The system sucks but until it is corrected those are the posted shitty rules.

As for growing before renewal or during I cannot comment on as I do not know.

Just sayin...

Hellth Canada will say a lot things. A lot of them not true, and their own interpretation. And just FYI it is not a license. It is a registration. No where does it say that it is a license, or in the ACMPR that you must be licensed. The word used there is "registered".

I hear what you are saying Venge, but what legal position will you be in when you are growing with your registration and you send your renewal in ahead of time as they suggest (6-8 weeks), and they don't have the staff or manpower to send you the renewal until after your initial registration has expired? You followed the "law". So the day after it expires you will kill all your plants I assume, since that is what Hellth Canada will tell you to do.
Correct on the wording yes it is a registration. Heck no, I would not be chopping my plants down. I am not talking renewal that I view again completely different.
I am referring to getting registered to grow.

It is illegal to grow without the license, and i do not care what advice anyone here wants to share


good to know!

the court are who says what...
and its already been decided.
HC is a moot point but believe what you may.
cheers, stick to the rules and suffer sadly because of your ideals.

your Job ..? Profession? wont matter worth shit if yer to sick to accomplish it (:

these rules are to slow down the ones who are afraid of treating themselves....and they will bow when ever told ...because they wont go to court! ;)
Theres that pay scheme rearing its ugly much did you pay for your license?
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I agree as well. I waited. Maybe it's not a big issue but I did for peace of mind. And I'm sending in my renewal 2.5 months early. And if they cant process it in that time then that's not my problem.

I also believe renewals being processed is based on priority to previous script expiring. not date delivered to hc
It is illegal to grow without the license, and i do not care what advice anyone here wants to share. Many of my previous posts had comments from members saying to go ahead and if i am so worried then it must be for other reasons i am growing. No i just need to be legal with my career in life. that is all. One of my good friends has gone thru this scenario (about 1.5 years ago)and he was charged. His license showed up 2 weeks later. He is under the (MMAR?)His court case was dragged on and charges were played down to a lesser charge of sorts but still rendering him with a criminal charge. Say he had a shitty lawyer all you want but his lawyer was able to do a lot to get it to what it was with a lot of grief. It still cost a significant amount as well which i know many could not afford. So do not grow unless you know the circumstances. It is illegal until you have a license hanging in your room. Does not matter that you have prescription it is not a license to grow. And we can play on the semantics of the words all we want here.

You can say all you want that the courts will not charge you if you need your medicine etc. Well the courts have to follow the law and you are guilty until you have the license in your hand. They may be somewhat sympathetic and try and reach a better charge for you but again, it is illegal until you have a license. And if you want clarification then call this number to Health Canada (1-866-337-7705) and ask them directly as i have as well. They will let you know again it is illegal to do so.

But it is up to each of us to make the decision to grow with or without a license or challenge them in court. So do your own homework, don’t take my word or the anonymous word of our members unless you know it is gospel. Make a call so you know first hand.

Not trying to be an ass I just don’t want to see any more grief to people. The system sucks but until it is corrected those are the posted shitty rules.

As for growing before renewal or during I cannot comment on as I do not know.

Just sayin...


I think that most that give that advice here are doing it from a health perspective
In other words if your sick enough, that time is going to play a factor in whether you live or die...
then do not wait....since the courts most like would side in your favor...
A jury of your peers would not convict....for time sensitive things such as cancer....

that is just realistic...considering your going to die otherwise...
I can attest that if you send in your new script too early, they just screw at the other end by taking the date of the NEW presciption...I tried this in sept, when my script was good till jan... In december I got my renewal and it now expires in 2018 september....You want to be close to expiry when you get your new script cause right now thats the date they use.....
unreal....maybe HC could put that kind of thought into doing the renewals promptly...
Back in the day it took two weeks to would send it in and 14 days later....bam
Well starting week 19.

New update though. I recd a call from HC. Said they are doing a follow up as I missed putting a date down on one of the pages so they called to ask when I filled out the files. Of course the date on the main page was there but needed to be in another spot. Ok then. I asked why it took 4 months and the reply was she was just tasked with this follow up and knows nothing else. As well said all should be good and back into processing it goes. Once again I ask is this it, is there anymore to followed up on my registration. Of course reply comes back she was only tasked with that verification. But again should hopefully not be long now was the reply.

Would like to know if other people waiting for registration if they are getting any calls regarding missed dates or info to help justify taking there time in processing land.

Good grief. See if anything shows up soon. It has been 4 days from the call.

This was for a new registration.

I have not looked over my copy of my application but I blv they said I missed the date on the back page. But again 4 plus months to let me know I am at fault. Hopefully not another 4 months to receive it.

We shall see and I will update as it goes.

We should just all write maggot boy and tell him we're out his legal system and living life as we see fit now. Why do we need any other humans permission to grow weed at all.
Why are we following these laws anyway...oh ya...jail...right.
Well starting week 19.

New update though. I recd a call from HC. Said they are doing a follow up as I missed putting a date down on one of the pages so they called to ask when I filled out the files. Of course the date on the main page was there but needed to be in another spot. Ok then. I asked why it took 4 months and the reply was she was just tasked with this follow up and knows nothing else. As well said all should be good and back into processing it goes. Once again I ask is this it, is there anymore to followed up on my registration. Of course reply comes back she was only tasked with that verification. But again should hopefully not be long now was the reply.

Would like to know if other people waiting for registration if they are getting any calls regarding missed dates or info to help justify taking there time in processing land.

Good grief. See if anything shows up soon. It has been 4 days from the call.

damn dude i'm at week 20 and still nothing.