Does hearing Cheeto Jesus on TV make anyone else feel ill??

I think ending the drug war could be the most incredible leap of civil rights ever
Well, you know, if his newsletter -- during the days of Reagan, Bush and Clinton when the drug war was it's most malevolent -- if his newsletter had actually said something about how awful it was for black people, THEN I'd believe it. But no, during those days it was filled with malevolent racist editorials. Fifteen years after Clinton enacted the notorious anti-crime legislation (that Ron Paul never criticized at the time), RP comes out into an all white audience and decries drug laws because racist. I don't care what the campaign literature said, Ron Paul didn't show one tiny bit of anti-racism before 2012.

I couldn't believe him then any more than I could believe Roy Moore when he denied chasing down and grabbing under forbidden skirts.
You knumbskulls don't seem to realize I'm on your side to begin with. So be it! RP was the best vote at the time. Many years have passed. Gimme someone who's worth voting for then!
Sorry man. I'm going after the message not the messenger. Let's talk about who's best during the 2019 debates.
Well, you know, if his newsletter -- during the days of Reagan, Bush and Clinton when the drug war was it's most malevolent -- if his newsletter had actually said something about how awful it was for black people, THEN I'd believe it. But no, during those days it was filled with malevolent racist editorials. Fifteen years after Clinton enacted the notorious anti-crime legislation (that Ron Paul never criticized at the time), RP comes out into an all white audience and decries drug laws because racist. I don't care what the campaign literature said, Ron Paul didn't show one tiny bit of anti-racism before 2012.

I couldn't believe him then any more than I could believe Roy Moore when he denied chasing down and grabbing under forbidden skirts.
Like I said that newsletter used his name. Look at the policies of the campaign or his history of voting.
you do understand the Libertarian bent, right?... they don't want the federal government requiring the rest or the country to do shit that they impose.
Can you give me an example of a successful country whose economy and social system runs along your idea of your libertarian views. I'll put up Denmark and Sweden as examples I'd like the US to migrate towards.
Actually, it's the Libertarian shit that I have a hard time buying. I'm not bashing abalonehx, I like the dude but Ron Paul's Libertarianism is just another form of capitalists gone wild. Where in the real world ever has there been a free market? It's an untried philosophy.

I spent some time on a road trip in van with a libertarian and we got into what he thought it meant. Basically all I came away with was the people with money get to call all the shots. If a person who worked for him refused to give him head in order to collect a pay check for the work he also expected of them then they were free to look for work elsewhere. The only rights were "my money, my rules". As if that's going to last. Uh, no. I'll take the civil rights laws and labor laws thank you very much.
Sorry to nitpick, I agree with you overall and with the second paragraph for sure. That is exactly how I would describe the whole "free-market" thing and even add in some more, like Rothbard's thoughts on a "free-market for children" to be bought and sold. However, as to the first paragraph, I would have argued a bit different, but this is just me, for opinion discussion. I would say that it has been "tried". In fact, I would say it has been tried more than any other economic model. The thing is, the word itself is an oxymoron. I mean just read it carefully, "free-market". Privatization is only possible through gov't enforcement. Indigenous societies had no concept of owning the land. They may have been tribally territorial but they did not consider the earth to be their property. Besides, feudalism itself in many ways seems to me to be the end state of this economic model. Everything is privatized, even the state and all of the levers and apparatus of gov't. It's a sort of inverse totalitarianism. That's what paleo-conservatives seem to beckon for. A sort of return to the economic model born out of the Atlantic slave trade and privateering and private states like the East India Company which in many ways helped to shape the markets that still exist.
But when you have a system like ours. Both parties are bought by the same special interest. What can you do? I'll vote democrat in the next election to swing it back. Republicans are nothing but evil.
I remember when people were saying that Donald Trump wasn't bought off and didn't owe any favors, as if that 21 million dollars he got from the NRA wasn't a fortune.
It's like marijuana legalization. I don't think it's going to happen all at once. One step at a time. Moving in the right direction is better than arguing over the details and taking two steps back.
Like I said that newsletter used his name. Look at the policies of the campaign or his history of voting.
quick survey: He voted against the ACA. He's on record of saying he would have voted against the civil rights act because "the law was just about property rights". WTF? Uh, no, the civil rights act rolled back segregation, gave African Americans the right to vote and has repeatedly been used to expand freedom of repressed minorities in this country. No Fuckin Way would I vote for somebody who says that.

I'll be glad to read a link if you want to post something to rebut these sources:
I'm not aware of him saying that but I doubt he would be pushing to rescind voting rights. It doesn't make sense to me.