Wow - THAT much ph & ppm drift overnight???

Ok ... so I went ahead and dumped the water and started with fresh distilled water (1ppm - sorry, countertop distiller can only do so much) ... added calmag (went up to 100ppm) ... added flora micro (up to 150ppm) ... added flora grow (up to 200ppm) ... added flora bloom (238ppm).

So, while its sitting there I remembered that distilled water should have a ph of a perfect 7.0 - yes? My ph meter is reading 6.05. No calibration solution, so what’s a gal to do?

Got any vinegar?
No - my UN-nutrified plain disttilled water is at 6 ... I’m waiting for the nutrient solution to settle before I test
so what is your feed regiment if you dont mind me asking
as in ml per gal of each Ca/G/M/B
odd where your ph and ppms ended up
also dont sweat where you water is worry about after everything is mixed
just as long as your ppms of your water is very low to 0 you are good

as for ph
6.0 is good
5.5 is better
but we dont need to worry yet as those roots havnt hit the nutrient solution yet
so what is your feed regiment if you dont mind me asking
as in ml per gal of each Ca/G/M/B
odd where your ph and ppms ended up
also dont sweat where you water is worry about after everything is mixed
just as long as your ppms of your water is very low to 0 you are good

as for ph
6.0 is good
5.5 is better
but we dont need to worry yet as those roots havnt hit the nutrient solution yet
I mentioned to her about using the lucas formula but i doubt she has heard of it.. Remember my first using this and I got N toxcicity trying to follow that chart. We should prob rec lucas to her.. wut you think?
so what is your feed regiment if you dont mind me asking
as in ml per gal of each Ca/G/M/B
odd where your ph and ppms ended up
also dont sweat where you water is worry about after everything is mixed
just as long as your ppms of your water is very low to 0 you are good

as for ph
6.0 is good
5.5 is better
but we dont need to worry yet as those roots havnt hit the nutrient solution yet

It was 1/2 tsp per gallon for the calmag and 1/4 teaspoon per gallon each for the micro, grow, and bloom
I mentioned to her about using the lucas formula but i doubt she has heard of it.. Remember my first using this and I got N toxcicity trying to follow that chart. We should prob rec lucas to her.. wut you think?
I was just reading about the lucas formula, but it doesnt cover LED lights :-/
cover led lights? Um im not for sure i follow what you mean?
The lucas method covera the formula to use for flouresent lights and HID lights, but doesnt give a formula for LED lights.

Also, I just checked my ph meter against 5% white distilled vinegar which is supposed to be 2.4% ... my ph meter is reading 3.99
The lucas method covera the formula to use for flouresent lights and HID lights, but doesnt give a formula for LED lights.

Also, I just checked my ph meter against 5% white distilled vinegar which is supposed to be 2.4% ... my ph meter is reading 3.99
Well which formula do you use in this situation?

Lol light wont matter to the method.

As for the vinegar, I think he meant it as a ph down but your deff gonna need ph up if your starting ph is 6ish... or Silica is what i use..20170805_003635 (1).jpg 20170805_003608.jpg
100% honest, I preferred running all 3 more than the lucas. I feel like they got too much N in flower and that's what made them super leafy/stayed green after literally a month flush...
And when you run out these nutes I have some that are way better, easier, and CLEANER... Like clear as water! You be wanting them after this run! lol
Oh ya, and they are cheaper! And only 1 bottle!
Yes I know, your welcome.....
The lucas method covera the formula to use for flouresent lights and HID lights, but doesnt give a formula for LED lights.

Also, I just checked my ph meter against 5% white distilled vinegar which is supposed to be 2.4% ... my ph meter is reading 3.99
as far as lights are concerned dont worry about the lights
that lucas charts covers light intensity not really the lights specifically
Lucas works perfect under any form of lights
you are running DWC so you are just using the Lucas ratio and keeping the ppm down to a minimum

as far as your ph and all that
I suggest getting the cheap tester kit from General Hydroponics and once calibrated keep your ph probe in the 7.01 solution in a shot glass

there is a lot of information out there and much of it is misguided or half truths

just as a fair warning
100% honest, I preferred running all 3 more than the lucas. I feel like they got too much N in flower and that's what made them super leafy/stayed green after literally a month flush...
if you run the lucas formula in a ppm calculator there is only 75ppm N
so it cant really get N tox to my knowledge with that low of N
100% honest, I preferred running all 3 more than the lucas. I feel like they got too much N in flower and that's what made them super leafy/stayed green after literally a month flush...
Could of played a part yes, but salt build up in your rhizophere is what i think, plus its about timing with that P. That is why cns17 ripe at week 4 or 5 just fades you out like its outside in the real fall! Way way impressed, but you have to switch at the correct times. I believe in giving just what it needs and can utilize instead of having to hard core flush with reactants...
if you run the lucas formula in a ppm calculator there is only 75ppm N
so it cant really get N tox to my knowledge with that low of N
right because that is what they were after. They wanted a 2 part that had enough N but yet enough P/k to finish out.. Its tried and true!
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Well the waterfarms do that but like anything you got to do a little hacking and diy............... You got to use rapid rooters which she did that, then you got to protect the stem... from splashing.
I’ll have to look at them out of curiosity, why do you have to use rapid rooter?
Wow I cant believe I still cant like posts..
as far as lights are concerned dont worry about the lights
that lucas charts covers light intensity not really the lights specifically
Lucas works perfect under any form of lights
you are running DWC so you are just using the Lucas ratio and keeping the ppm down to a minimum

as far as your ph and all that
I suggest getting the cheap tester kit from General Hydroponics and once calibrated keep your ph probe in the 7.01 solution in a shot glass

there is a lot of information out there and much of it is misguided or half truths

just as a fair warning
oh she thinks her meter could be off?
Im sorry i missed that?