Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
To be honest how i havent had spider mites n efery other pest at this point lol idk im glad i did tnis coco grow iv learned alot like it doasent seem so complicated n shit now alot less streesed


Well-Known Member
true all i know is i made a mistake it will hermi or it wont if id does well hopefully eatjer way ill think ablut this every time i go in there isk how the fuck i forgot 2 close it o well ill just have 2 keep an eye out i dont think il get all tje nanners but if i can get a few grams of smoke well fuck it i did learn alot this grow tho so atleast theres that


Well-Known Member
To be honest how i havent had spider mites n efery other pest at this point lol
Probably because they have been eaten by all the other things that you've had in there lol.

im glad i did tnis coco grow iv learned alot like it doasent seem so complicated n shit now alot less streesed
If i was you by the look of the last pic you posted I,d be stressed the fuck out trying to fix the issues with my plants


Well-Known Member
true all i know is i made a mistake it will hermi or it wont if id does well hopefully eatjer way ill think ablut this every time i go in there isk how the fuck i forgot 2 close it o well ill just have 2 keep an eye out i dont think il get all tje nanners but if i can get a few grams of smoke well fuck it i did learn alot this grow tho so atleast theres that


Well-Known Member
im not stresing over shit any more im flushing 2 night ill take my time getting it out n plot my corse if it some thing breaks least i tried to correct tje issiu rather than do nothing to get tje plant healthy its probly better of healthy with a broken branch vs having tjese issius


Well-Known Member
might do one for the cup grow then lol thats gunna be fun
You've only got so much space and time and as soon as you hit 12/12 the clock is ticking so you have to make the most of those 8-10 weeks. All growing should be enjoyable some parts aren't fun but ending up with a good yield will make up for that


Well-Known Member
im not stresing over shit any more im flushing 2 night ill take my time getting it out n plot my corse if it some thing breaks least i tried to correct tje issiu rather than do nothing to get tje plant healthy its probly better of healthy with a broken branch vs having tjese issius
Stressing isn't always a bad thing if you can handle it ,you know what they say "pressure makes diamonds".


Well-Known Member
ye it would be at night but still its the only thin i can think of am i correct to assume if i can collect enough to test with the ec pen then thats what i need ay lights dont come on till one so i got time to come up with something


Well-Known Member
Why does the plant have to come out to flush gigs i dont get it. U got a tray under the pot no? Syphon it out mate fuck movin it outside to do it thats askin to be caught.....
lol i just realised u dident mean whynit have 2 be a grad i have t sleeped ill post pics im having some kind of issius