She F'n killed him! Are you F'n blind! Yes!

Big P

Well-Known Member
When Biden was talking about reducing income taxes for the middle class I wish she would have brought up proposed increases to payroll taxes which dollar wise are more than income taxes paid by working folks.

I thought that Obama und Biden were against coal and nuclear power, I am wrong?

Both sides claim victory, I'm shocked. It won't change many opinions. But she will take a lot more heat than Biden, Palin bashing is the flavor of the week.
you speak words of wisdom

it may be the flavor of the week for these maggots in the media, but from what ive seen in my travels, i have learned that hell has no fury like a womans scorn and now if they try to roast her, woman across america are going to have somthing to say about it,

this is what I see, let us smoke


Well-Known Member
I live in a state that always seems to end up red no matter how many people I talk to saying they are voting democrat. That being said We as a state voted Mitt Romney and as a county voted Ron Paul. I think the bar that was set for her was so low that of course now they are saying she knocked it out of the park. The Democrats went in seemingly under estimating her debating ability. So she did look like the " winner" of course she sucks she's a happily married woman, meaning she's stuck it in her mouth a few times thats the trick of getting married. LOL


Well-Known Member
I live in a state that always seems to end up red no matter how many people I talk to saying they are voting democrat. That being said We as a state voted Mitt Romney and as a county voted Ron Paul. I think the bar that was set for her was so low that of course now they are saying she knocked it out of the park. The Democrats went in seemingly under estimating her debating ability. So she did look like the " winner" of course she sucks she's a happily married woman, meaning she's stuck it in her mouth a few times thats the trick of getting married. LOL
that's whats so hilarious about this whole thing. She "knocked it out of the park" equates to her being able to form complete sentences without McCain jumping and and helping her out. How many times has this exact idea been predicted in RUI alone. She woos the crowd by not fucking up. These are the standards we have now.


Well-Known Member
Yep, The other thing I wanted to add is that it sure seemed the "moderator" seemed to help steer them both, by just not asking a question but then gave them a direction to follow, if you understand what I'm trying to say. She should have just asked the question and then left them on their own. It seems to me she gave them the way to answer. Ok I need to stop smoking for a minute. LOL

Big P

Well-Known Member
i dont know even if i dont like a canidate and wouldnt vote for them i could atleast admit if they won or not,

i mean its not even a question unless u didnt watch the debate

its not gonna help them get elected if u aknowledge it


and now you try to demean her because you really do know in your heart that she did a great job and beat a gracful and gentlmanly biden



Well-Known Member
i agree with stoney i am not ready for another executive authority (sure she wouldn't be prez, but still) who cannot pronounce "nuclear" correctly. and for sure buds, i thought she would do worse than she did, but i also don't think she did 'well' at all, straying from questions, 'i commend you Biden for agreeing with McCain' how many times? not saying that either side was amazing but really? she really 'won' the debate?? am i going insane?

similar thread of self-doubt ran through my head after the 2004 election


Well-Known Member
i dont know even if i dont like a canidate and wouldnt vote for them i could atleast admit if they won or not,

i mean its not even a question unless u didnt watch the debate

its not gonna help them get elected if u aknowledge it


and now you try to demean her because you really do know in your heart that she did a great job and beat a gracful and gentlmanly biden
How can i think she won the debate if I disagree with nearly every one of her points? I don't care if she acted them out with shadow puppets, Biden wins in my opinion every time assuming neither has a tremendous fuck up. You can't say Biden did terrible. He was average. Him being average is going to win for me any day. I think Palin was average too. I wasn't as taken back by her being able to do a good job. I have friends that think the pre-debate fuck ups were entirely planned in order to make her come out strong. I don't agree but I was expecting an above average performance from her. The problem is, her average is shitty.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't think her performance was anything to applaud.It was a polite debate.She came across as talking to a bunch of children.Sounded just like a school teacher reading a story book.And Alaska and Maverick were her words of the night.Sheesh.
i agree with stoney i am not ready for another executive authority (sure she wouldn't be prez, but still) who cannot pronounce "nuclear" correctly. and for sure buds, i thought she would do worse than she did, but i also don't think she did 'well' at all, straying from questions, 'i commend you Biden for agreeing with McCain' how many times? not saying that either side was amazing but really? she really 'won' the debate?? am i going insane?

similar thread of self-doubt ran through my head after the 2004 election
How can i think she won the debate if I disagree with nearly every one of her points? I don't care if she acted them out with shadow puppets, Biden wins in my opinion every time assuming neither has a tremendous fuck up. You can't say Biden did terrible. He was average. Him being average is going to win for me any day. I think Palin was average too. I wasn't as taken back by her being able to do a good job. I have friends that think the pre-debate fuck ups were entirely planned in order to make her come out strong. I don't agree but I was expecting an above average performance from her. The problem is, her average is shitty.

Big P

Well-Known Member
How can i think she won the debate if I disagree with nearly every one of her points? I don't care if she acted them out with shadow puppets, Biden wins in my opinion every time assuming neither has a tremendous fuck up. You can't say Biden did terrible. He was average. Him being average is going to win for me any day. I think Palin was average too. I wasn't as taken back by her being able to do a good job. I have friends that think the pre-debate fuck ups were entirely planned in order to make her come out strong. I don't agree but I was expecting an above average performance from her. The problem is, her average is shitty.

ya i was hoping the fuck ups were on purpose but i dont think they were either

but im not saying u have to agree with her im saying she won the debate

like me and you could have a debate and i could debate the democrats point of view and you could debate doing the republicans viewpoint

one of us would win and one would lose even though we debated in reverse of our real political views

plus the reason this matters is it will sway the fence sitters thats why these debates are so important

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Why do people have this notion that presidential and vice presidential candidates should be average? They're not supposed to be average, they're supposed to be our, dare I say it, elite. If the test was to see who could get the average hick to relate to them, then maybe all that folksy talk helped Palin. But she didn't really accomplish anything else in that debate. She just stuck to a prepared list of talking points, and went off topic more often then not.

Oh, and she said the name of the general in Afghanistan was McClellen, when his name is McKiernan.


New Member
Why do people have this notion that presidential and vice presidential candidates should be average? They're not supposed to be average, they're supposed to be our, dare I say it, elite. If the test was to see who could get the average hick to relate to them, then maybe all that folksy talk helped Palin. But she didn't really accomplish anything else in that debate. She just stuck to a prepared list of talking points, and went off topic more often then not.

Oh, and she said the name of the general in Afghanistan was McClellen, when his name is McKiernan.
Too bad Biden didn't point that out.:wall:


Well-Known Member
As far as the debates go, Palin said some odd things: first she says "The American people want less government in their life", then she goes and says 2 or 3 times that we "...need the government by the side of the people".

She says we don't need government but yet she said we need government to look closely at our free market... I DONT GET IT... I just watched the whole thing on youtube.

Look people, She is a woman with 5 children, and she isn't that old(sure dont look old) I dont understand how this woman is going to be a VICE PRESIDENT while trying to raise 5 children. according to her standards, family is first, but with a job like a vice president, THATS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN specially with 5 kids.

Yeah, shes pretty, cute, and who wouldn't want a lovable vice president like her (as so it seems), BUT we must look at the real deal here, US! I couldn't relate anything that she was for that related to my life (also people around me), and how it was going to make it better, actually both didn't really, but judging from the voting record (McCain, Obama, Biden), OBAMA seems like it would help me out more, and more of the middle class.

Also, Who is that stupid enough, to believe that obama is a Muslim extremist is a complete IDIOT. Also to those who think or try to put fear into people by those idiotic pictures and false claims about a man are also complete idiots. THIS IS AMERICA, WE ARE NOT ABOUT TO LET A "so called" EXTREMIST TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Cmon, who really thinks that is his plan, what a joke.

There is a reason why people are voting obama, because they can clearly see and feel a mccain administration is not the way that TRULY suites the needs of Americans.

Biden - I dont like biden at all, i think obama should have chosen somone else.


Well-Known Member
She couldn't answer some of the questions, soooo...she just didn't answer them. She barely held her own, if that. The percentage of people who think she's ready and qualified is up to 55% (which is pretty bad). Biden's up to 97% now. Biden did great. No knockout blows, for either side.

By a 2 to 1 margin, on average, the undecided population thought Biden won. You know what that means? That means Biden won.

It's just about over for McCain, barring Iran or Russia attacking us, or Biden turning out to be a closet lesbian. The electoral math for McCain, after conceding Michigan to Obama, is extremely rough. McCain has to basically win every single other battleground state, including Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida, and he's trailing in all of them with four weeks to go, with the trends looking just great for Obama. It ain't over until the fat lady sings, but she's warming up now.