Not my own son


Well-Known Member
My youngest (22?) has to pass a mouth swab and mentioned the hydrogen peroxide method.

I don't know exactly how to explain that Im gonna have to poop in his mouth.

Being a parent is not for the faint of heart.
Seriously though, I passed a swab test, only had enough time to stop for 1day, took a bottle with me and swished around a few times before I went in. Got the job.. I hear those tests are the least effective.


Well-Known Member
its called "Pulling". Stop using, use sesame oil, swish in mouth and around gums spit rinse. Brush teeth and gums and cheeks and tongue to pass the silly tests.
I'd be worried about false positives for the drugs on the test after doing this^


Well-Known Member
I frequently stop smoking for a couple weeks. For me it helps to stop the vivid dreams. Once a month I wake up pissed at the wife for something she didn't actually do. Makes for confusing angry make up sex for her I imagine.