Where I stand on americas gun "laws"

Are you really claiming that gun control laws don't work? 1st world countries like ours that have stricter gun control laws also have a fraction of deaths through gun violence the US has. This is repeated again and again elsewhere. What you just posted was irrelevant in the face of these facts.

I was very specific on the matter and made no reference to gun control laws as a whole but merely stated my feelings on one tiny little aspect of gun control that clearly does not work although I supported leaving it in place for those who feel they benefit from such events.

But since you brought it up...

Of course 1st world countries, or any other country, that have stricter gun control laws have less gun violence than the US. They dont have the circulation of firearms to create the variables to have enough random acts of gun violence to be at the top. The US however does, because we have more guns. So more guns equals more guns violence and accidents just like no guns would pretty much mean no gun deaths, right? We have more fast food restaurants than any other country per capita, and we have the most over weight country as well. So more of something means that there are more outcomes involving that particular. How about that. I bet if we handed out more matches, there would be more house fires. Not sure why I had to defend this obvious point when I never refuted it in the first place.

What you posted in response to my post was truely irrelevant in the face of what I posted.

Moving forward, it would really help me out if you could start your fights elsewhere.
the people that are not allowed or don't care to follow the law are the ones commiting these acts
Actually, the KID who bought the semi who gunned down his fellow class mates was legally allowed to buy a gun.. he was mentally ill and allowed to buy a gun.. that's americas issue or one of many!

If my cousin who is mentally ill was allowed to buy a gun I'd be so scared for the world and her family and me lmfao she is of age to buy one, no problem she with the law.. but she gets so angry over nothing so imagine gun power in her hands.. yeah no id be dead next Christmas.
I was very specific on the matter and made no reference to gun control laws as a whole but merely stated my feelings on one tiny little aspect of gun control that clearly does not work although I supported leaving it in place for those who feel they benefit from such events.

But since you brought it up...

Of course 1st world countries, or any other country, that have stricter gun control laws have less gun violence than the US. They dont have the circulation of firearms to create the variables to have enough random acts of gun violence to be at the top. The US however does, because we have more guns. So more guns equals more guns violence and accidents just like no guns would pretty much mean no gun deaths, right? We have more fast food restaurants than any other country per capita, and we have the most over weight country as well. So more of something means that there are more outcomes involving that particular. How about that. I bet if we handed out more matches, there would be more house fires. Not sure why I had to defend this obvious point when I never refuted it in the first place.

What you posted in response to my post was truely irrelevant in the face of what I posted.

Moving forward, it would really help me out if you could start your fights elsewhere.
Right, you say that gun control laws won't work because the US is awash in guns. Then you say don't comment on your circular and fallacious argument.

I don't disagree that people with hordes of guns won't turn them in and probably only a fraction will even register them. Then again, how many are predisposed to mass shootings? So, gun control laws needn't be determined effective or not based upon how many people still own an armory-sized horde (not many do but those who do have a huge number). Gun control laws are determined effective based upon reductions in harm. This is quite thoroughly proven to be true.

The answer to the guns already out there is to give it time. People with their horde can keep them. They can't show them off and if they do, so what? The objective is reduction in harm, remember. Most of those people are old fuckers and when they die, their heirs, most of them, won't want to go through the paperwork to establish legal ownership and turn them over to the govt. Problem solved.
We should implement an eating utensil buyback program too since these types of programs are so effective. Fight obesity!
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An obese person's back fat never killed a crowd. Their farts might be deadly but some skinny people fart like a bull too.

Regarding self-harm which obesity clearly is, I'm OK with that. I'm also OK with gun owners using their gun to commit suicide.
Regarding self-harm which obesity clearly is, I'm OK with that. I'm also OK with gun owners using their gun to commit suicide.

Obesity is a disease that will kill you.. that's for sure. People with obesity need help and not just a diet; life need to be switched completely around. Obesity and depression are hand in hand.

I'm okay with suicide, if I don't wanna be on this plant anymore that should be my damn choice lol
An obese person's back fat never killed a crowd. Their farts might be deadly but some skinny people fart like bulls too.

Regarding self-harm which obesity clearly is, I'm OK with that. I'm also OK with gun owners using their gun to commit suicide.
Im ok with having the choice.
Obesity is a disease that will kill you.. that's for sure. People with obesity need help and not just a diet; life need to be switched completely around. Obesity and depression are hand in hand.

I'm okay with suicide, if I don't wanna be on this plant anymore that should be my damn choice lol
beat me to it.
America has grown up with guns for generations now, to change that mind set is going to take more generations.
education, proper use of medication, good thorough background screenings, no more person to person sales, unless the proper paperwork is filled out and submitted before the sale. accountability for crimes committed with your weapon, unless you report it stolen in a timely fashion.
that's what it's going to take to change things in a meaningful way, and every one of those steps will be fought the whole way
Obesity is a disease that will kill you.. that's for sure. People with obesity need help and not just a diet; life need to be switched completely around. Obesity and depression are hand in hand.

I'm okay with suicide, if I don't wanna be on this plant anymore that should be my damn choice lol
I've lost friends to suicide and the loss still hurts. In the case of gun related suicide, perhaps if the gun weren't there, maybe the person would delay their decision and later decide to get help. On the other hand, gun owners keep bringing up suicide as the main cause of gun deaths in this country as if this somehow invalidates the known effectiveness of gun control to reduce harm. I've become hardened to their logic or lack thereof.

There are plenty of fallacious arguments used by right wingers, not just gun nuts. The one red used is called the Red Herring (ignoratio elenchi), number 9 on this list.


A quick glance at this list reveals quite a few of the tactics of losing debate teams are employed by the radical right to justify their stupid claims, such as "gun control laws don't work".
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America has grown up with guns for generations now, to change that mind set is going to take more generations.
education, proper use of medication, good thorough background screenings, no more person to person sales, unless the proper paperwork is filled out and submitted before the sale. accountability for crimes committed with your weapon, unless you report it stolen in a timely fashion.
that's what it's going to take to change things in a meaningful way, and every one of those steps will be fought the whole way
Good reply. I agree with the majority of Americans in regards to gun control, but pragmatically speaking, it's going to be a while before spree killings subside because of the availability of guns in the US and the lack of adequate mental healthcare. I think if Republicans were serious about limiting the amount of deaths committed by spree killers, they would support investing in mental healthcare, but they don't. They support decreasing the amount of funding going towards mental healthcare.. One can only conclude from that that Republicans don't actually give a damn about gun deaths and innocent murders. They sure do love to pretend like they do, though. In every argument against gun control legislation, Chicago and the blacks are referenced.