Aussie Growers Thread

Sky Lotus #1 almost done
Speaking of Lotus. I want to add Dream Lotus in place of Blue Dream. Plus a myriad of others.
Speaking of Lotus. I want to add Dream Lotus in place of Blue Dream. Plus a myriad of others.
I made some Dream Lotus f2’s from 2 different females, 2 different Sky Lotus x Dream Lotus crosses and a Dream Lotus x Super Silver cross. There should be a few Blue Dream phenos in the F2’s it’s just a matter of sifting through them and knowing what to look for in them
I made some Dream Lotus f2’s from 2 different females, 2 different Sky Lotus x Dream Lotus crosses and a Dream Lotus x Super Silver cross. There should be a few Blue Dream phenos in the F2’s it’s just a matter of sifting through them and knowing what to look for in them
What a coincidink. I was looking at the super silvers too.

As for knowing what to look for. I'd probably have to wait till smoke time to say if they're 1hitdone blue dream.
@OldMateToldMeTo I had alook at that list.

There's so fucking many good ones to choose from.

I want just about half the Wookie15 crosses. A few of the Lotuses. And a few others...

You ass! Now I don't know what to pick even more :^)
Haha yeah Bodhi has some magic... Anything with SSDD in it has been fire ive seen... And his Hp has some fuckin kick in it... It say's 11 in the pack but u'll most likely get 12 -13+ ive found with Shoe
My biggest issue at the moment is I’ve filled my drying room and it’s only got 3 plants in it and they were the small ones
Lol first world problems eh..... Whats ur drying process coco im keen to hear brotha...
Ya do a budwash? Or anything spesh...
What a coincidink. I was looking at the super silvers too.

As for knowing what to look for. I'd probably have to wait till smoke time to say if they're 1hitdone blue dream.
With your set up I'd be looking more towards his 88g13x HP line rather than the Snow Lotus,they have a bit tighter growth structure.Blueberry Hashplant is the Blue Dream cross in that line and it's supposed to be a great yielder.
Haha yeah Bodhi has some magic... Anything with SSDD in it has been fire ive seen... And his Hp has some fuckin kick in it... It say's 11 in the pack but u'll most likely get 12 -13+ ive found with Shoe

Lol first world problems eh..... Whats ur drying process coco im keen to hear brotha...
Ya do a budwash? Or anything spesh...
Nah never done the bud wash,I've got a a 2x3x2.4m room with 2x24L dehuies an exhaust fan and a wall mount fan. Dry them in there for about 4 days then bag them up and let them sweat for 24 hours then hang again for 36-48 or till the stems snap clean,rough trim but leave them on the stems till they get a final close trim.
germed a few Afghan x Haze regs a bit over a week ago. Rarely seen em take so long to break ground. 2 are only just up and looking super good and one is still on the way. Supposed to be a spanker and a yeilder – fucken better be after such a slow start
Never done any of the old Haze crosses but I've seen some great stuff from them.Might be Afghan Dom they are a bit slow out of the blocks sometime
also had a tester nug from the PK x Malawi. It smells fucking awful - like carrots and dirt - but smokes OK it is strong as shit. Got a load of seeds from the SW x NL cross over it - there's about 10 or 20 out of a thousand odd that look just like the SW seeds - the rest look a bit more typical of malawi. I think I know where I'm going to start picking.
also had a tester nug from the PK x Malawi. It smells fucking awful - like carrots and dirt - but smokes OK it is strong as shit. Got a load of seeds from the SW x NL cross over it - there's about 10 or 20 out of a thousand odd that look just like the SW seeds - the rest look a bit more typical of malawi. I think I know where I'm going to start picking.
Carrots and dirt, I can't say I've ever had a plant with that smell lol