CBD Oil for sale in the uk .


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever made Oil from Hemp seed,I can get 25 kg from a friend for 15 quid ,So i was thinking about making it in Bulk ,Any one ever done this before.I wanting to know would it be best to activate it first (Germinate) or just blend it up then add Alcohol ,leave it a while ,then do what i do when i use Bud/Sugar Leaf to make it,I have Loads of people who want the stuff ,so im thinking of doing this has a side line ,Hemp is not illegal ,so i would be breaking no laws,Just Get some Nice Bottles ,Good quality labels and give people more than 10 ml for a tenner.I have give Oil to people for a long time,and it has really helped them,But that has all ways contained high amounts of thc ,and low amounts of cbd.I told that the Hemp i get for fishing is Good quality,from Pakistan.I told that the Cbd Oil on sale here now is 0.05 Thc, 5% cbd.This is a Massive step for the uk has far has i'm Concerned its the first step ,to getting Cannabis legalized.I have a way of getting my Oil tested ,So i would do that before ,giving it any one.

I'm Moving back over to Oil this Grow has well ,Gonna put the whole Holy Grail ,to making it ,Should be some nice Meds its full of nice finger sized colas, but lots of them.Full of thc,I miss it and my body is missing it for sure,Gonna grind the full plant up,all the bud all the sugar leaf.Like i said above i have been told that leaf contains cbd,The fan leafs.I was taking it 2 times daily ,and it was a god send,But on some strains like the Exodus Cheese ,i only needed to take it once a day,And it was all ways before i went to bed,Its a heavy Buzz when made right good oil ,so not ideal for day for me,So i was thinking of doing a Cbd strain for daily smoke.Just for the paini get later on in the day.Still gonna go with a strain that contains a bit of thc ,i would pref something like 5/8 % thc ,at a 1/1 Ratio.
2011-01-02 22.10.40.jpg
The Picture is the strain that will be put to oil ,Holy Grail .So should do me good while the next sets done ,Pineapple Express has been great for medical reasons too ,its been one of the best i have smoked,For Anxiety.I was thinking one of Tga seeds cbd strains ,Like Harliquin.Or Hurkle.
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Just like to post Pictures of Plants i grow ,Its what the sites about dude.Not bothered about getting likes ,but like to pass on things that have worked for me and things that have not ,and gaining info on doing something new ,like this post is about making Oil from seed,Cottee lol
Just like to post Pictures of Plants i grow ,Its what the sites about dude.Not bothered about getting likes ,but like to pass on things that have worked for me and things that have not ,and gaining info on doing something new ,like this post is about making Oil from seed,Cottee lol
No offence intended bro the more info the better
No offence intended bro the more info the better

None taken ,Cottee,i was just wondering if any one else had tried it ,its what is on sale in the uk ,so i was thinking of doing my self some .I do a crop every 8 week ,so i have a lot of info on strains i have run a lot over the years ,and i hope it helps some people with there growing
None taken ,Cottee,i was just wondering if any one else had tried it ,its what is on sale in the uk ,so i was thinking of doing my self some .I do a crop every 8 week ,so i have a lot of info on strains i have run a lot over the years ,and i hope it helps some people with there growing
yea I hear a lot of people like the oil. I gave up smoking a long time ago but my friend used to make oil out of the trim that had THC on it. Said it used to fuck him up. Not to sure on the process of making it but people are paying a lot for it in my area I think.
Look up Rick simpson oil on youtube ,Just get Grain alcohol everclear,knocks you out when done right,I used to put Half a Lb to oil a few year ago,Not all for me A fair bit was for people i met that had family members, that was buying it for stupid money .It would not have been stupid money if it would have been made from the right part of the plant,The leaf is fine to use ,sugar leaf and even Normal fan leafs contain small amounts of thc and cbd,But the best oild is made from ground up Buds,That are grown with Love and not Money in mind ,Pref Organic stuff,I though i had mine tested and it was found to have noting init that would be bad for you,Chemicals ext.It helped me far more than the 30mg of Diazipam daily and 10 mg of Tamazipam,Also Matazipine.I use a pieceno bigger than a couple of grains of rice,i started of with a piece the size of a piece of rice and it worked fine for a while.I have also been,Beating my sugar leaf and fluffy bottoms through a bubble bag,into a bucket.Then getting it together,Putting it in clingfilm so it can be compacted ,Then wrap in Wet news paper making sure no water can get in the clingfilm Once,its been in the oven a while take it out and compress then repeat the process,But once news paper is dry take it out and put under a vice to really compacket into a block,It leaves you wil really dark colored hash on the out side ,But lighter on the inner core ,Macro shots will show you the Thc that is in this stuff .I would choose this over smoking Buds any day ,I have all ways loved my hash though ,A friend brought me some finger hash back from pakistan Gold and red seal,It gave me a strange,buzz.But was great for the pain,Did not really help me sleep though ,So thinking it may have been high in cbd
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My god just been up to my drying plants ,What a blast of different smells ,The G13 Blueberry Headband smells amazing Really Fruity,The Super silver haze wow Pungent or what two i will be doing again ,that is before i taste them ,they smell and look amazing .Even the Holy Grail has a nice smell to it ,And a fair bit of weight,Will be smoking these in a couple more days,Just take a q of each out before i jar them up ,for curing. Just wish the Cookie Kush would have finished at the same time,Im gonna give it while thursday ,if it not done then its coming down,It near ready ,its just me wanting to push them to the max.All four are covered in thc ,So is the Sugar leaf i will be making hash from that and Oil from the Buds of the holy grail,I would like to make some vape oil ,But the vape oil i make is made with bho,and its harsh on the chest ,Any of you out there make vape oil ,the rosin way of getting the goodness from the buds ,rather than gas.

Its something i could really do with a way of making good quality Vape oil,the stuff i make is done by the bungle i order from Letsvape.eu.And it is really Strong stuff Knocks you out ,Great bungles you get the liquids and te tops that screw onto the vape pens,That you can throw away after use for the price.I was adding Strawberry flavor ,mainly for the smell so it could be used while i was in public,But the smell of the weed all ways finds a way of getting through ,im gonna try the rosin way though may be less harsh.
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Wish the Next set would hurry and dry ,My next set are wanting to be Flowered now .Busy Next couple of week for me ,I hate Pruning too.
Pineapple Express x 2
La Confidential
Strawberry Glue
Blueberry Gum. image.jpeg
Wish the Next set would hurry and dry ,My next set are wanting to be Flowered now .Busy Next couple of week for me ,I hate Pruning too.
Pineapple Express x 2
La Confidential
Strawberry Glue
Blueberry Gum. View attachment 4099373
Front Left La Confidential ,Front Right Pineapple Express
Back Left Pineapple Express ,Back right ,Strawberry Glue.
Small Plant on the right Blueberry Gum.
1.4 EC,just Canna A/B,Nothing else till they Hit 2 week into flower then Big bud from adavned
That strawberry glue the small one
Front Left La Confidential ,Front Right Pineapple Express
Back Left Pineapple Express ,Back right ,Strawberry Glue.
Small Plant on the right Blueberry Gum.
1.4 EC,just Canna A/B,Nothing else till they Hit 2 week into flower then Big bud from adavned
look very healthy man good work!