Aussie Growers Thread

if I get some time tomorrow ill bang up a frame for the remaining LED strip and see about mounting the small cabinet above that little veg tent for a cloning area.

I really like the versatility of these strips and individual drivers....and the price...haha.
Are they cheap /easy to use? I use a couple little ufos for propogation, and have been tossing up between strips or t5 for an upgrade.
What have you got ? Haha
These are the (Skywalker OG x NL) x (Skywalker OG x NL) and (PK x Malawi) x (Skywalker OG x NL). Got a shitload - if I can find yer address I'll send a bag up

I've got to sort through my stuff and I'll do a swapsies with you lol
I like the sound of your A11 crosses, and the bodhis and... probably more too – once I win the comp you can send em my way :D (but seriously I'll shoot up a big bag of each if you want em)