Aussie Growers Thread

Something changed to all European banks. My bank said they would not do it and when I emailed attitude they were pushing me towards western union .have no idea what's going on.
I do my bank transfer online but last order I did was about September
No more dick pics...dont know if stopping breathing for 30 seconds friday night means I need to send less or more pics lol
Seriously tho thought I was a is still freaked out they seen it ..I cant remember 3 mins of my life :o
that sounds a bit heavy. Where you trying out the 'ol Michael Hutchence choke-wank trick? Hope your alright mate, that sort of shit is freaky - my missus had a similar experience about a year ago. Freaked us the fuck out.
that sounds a bit heavy. Where you trying out the 'ol Michael Hutchence choke-wank trick? Hope your alright mate, that sort of shit is freaky - my missus had a similar experience about a year ago. Freaked us the fuck out.
Lol. Swear to god. I worked with a waiter who told me he was working at the hotel the morning his body was found. He didnt see the body, but reckoned his colleage did, and his striking at his knee was saying "down here man. Down fucking here"
that sounds a bit heavy. Where you trying out the 'ol Michael Hutchence choke-wank trick? Hope your alright mate, that sort of shit is freaky - my missus had a similar experience about a year ago. Freaked us the fuck out.
Not sure what happened mate seriously..going to the family doc tomorrow to try n find the cause...never happened before.
Im putting it down to cookies but fuvk knows.
Just couldn' relax friday after work it was like I was on the gear highly amped up.
So I had a fresh carton of beer had bout 4 beers then thought I'd drop a cookie ...microwaved yes I know hey really hit when warm ...10 mins later I thought fuck it ill have 2...microwaved another one by this time theres a 6 pack gone.
Try to cut the story shorter here...missus dropped me off to a mates took a half of the carton around ...drank another 10 or so...Only had one pipe by this time cookies were hitting well.
Missus and son and his girlfriend came around for a couple hours then we left.
Cookies had been In me for a gd 5 hrs I was blazed alright...
On way home missus said me and son were laughing at something then she said it was like I went into a fit for 5 secs then stopped breathing for 20 seconds..they pulled over all I remember is missus freaking and son yelling hitting my chest thru the car window.
Fuck me can' remember it and I seriously went to bed that night asking the wife to watch me in case i didn' wake up :(
Im putting it down to cookies but till I get checked out and get an ecg done we won't be sure.
Freaked us all the fuck out and we are a pretty easy going family
hope the scan doesn't turn up anything too serious and it was just strong cookies combined with low blood sugar or something. It sucks when you get reminded of your mortality
Not wrong...didn' really wanna write all that but it' done know..just need to rule out heart issues this next couple days and ill be a lot happier..still thinking it was the cookies combined with drinking but who knows
Not good Ruby...Take it easy for awhile and do whatever the doc says.

A few years ago I passed out cold in the shower, wife heard me go down and woke me up, I stepped out if the shower and bang, down and out cold again.. had lots of tests and scans and they put it down to a virus......