Well-Known Member
Okay...be careful with your calculation specially with P & KYour ppm for P for the tiger bloom seems to be off a little.
N - 5.2
P - 20.8
K - 10.4
That's for 1ml per gallon which seems a little too high in P if you ask me.
The label says 2N-8P-K4
However this label is misleading because Phosphorous is P205 and Potassium is K20. Which means the elemental Phosphorous is only 43% and the elemental Potassium is only 83%. Which means FFTB has an elemental label of.....
2N-3.44(elemental P)-3.32(elemental K)
So yes, you get 20ppm/gallon in P if you just followed the label
But if you have calculated in its elemental form you get 9ppm/gallon
Here's a link to a calculator
Congratulation though, at least you're trying and in your way to mixing your own nute and disregard the hype by name brands.