How you pay Amazon, even if you never buy a thing from them

You made it to bipolar 2 and keep drinking on your meds huh?

3 is very bad. Causes mass shootings even.
wasn't it funny how all i had to do to trigger you and your klan buddy into wishing death on my jewish infant last night was to post your own quotes verbatim?

i just looked and you do actually meet the diagnostic criteria for bipolar.
Take a hint. It's a privately owned site and the top admin applies the ToS as he decides and sees fit. Quit being such a snowflake. You obviously get away with harassing the guy from thread to thread. It's pretty much all I see anymore. You're not as popular as you think you are, particularly with the admins.

this qualifies him for one of the criteria for bipolar manic episode

  • Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity.
You got nothing. And you have become really boring.

Call an ex drug user a meth head on a medical weed site again.

Call a Jewish man a clan member or Nazi again.

Tell me to die again.

This is a weed site dude. Seriously try to quit drinking. You can’t handle it.

And you told me how many beers you drink too.

another criteria for bipolar manic:

  • More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking.
Please elucidate. Also please give examples of how my oppressive comment causes societal damage to white guys. Are you hurt?
something is wrong with the bear lately.

when i noted that his buddy GWN was a racist birther conspiracist who posts antagonistic racist memes about basketball and fried chicken and also wants white advocacy groups he explained to me that what GWN is displaying is not "real racism"
Take a hint. It's a privately owned site and the top admin applies the ToS as he decides and sees fit. Quit being such a snowflake. You obviously get away with harassing the guy from thread to thread. It's pretty much all I see anymore. You're not as popular as you think you are, particularly with the admins.

I asked buck to admit it. Not you. I don’t need the education about things from you. I didn’t even know my comment was deleted and I have not gotten any warnings until this thread today.

It is obvious that money is the driving force. Views. And right now buck and me must be getting them.

And if honesty and what I contribute to Grow forums and medical marijuana doesn’t make me popular with the administration. I am in the wrong place anyway.

I’m not banned elsewhere like buck.

He started with me. I just beat him at his own game and now I am supposed to be in trouble?
