in a 5x5ft tent - best lighting question

Led is not measured by watts. When they say 600watt led its only to reference the comparative light out put. The 1000watt full spectrum HPS light i was running pulled 1000watts from the wall + the watts needed to run the ballast (150watts) + 1400btu a.c. unit + the inline cooling fan + the two small fans to move the air around = to much fucking money .. so i pulled it out did a lot of studying and came up that leds are the way I'm going. I got two mars hydro full spectrum 600watt leds out put is compared to a 600watt HPS but with way more UV-B (red light you need to promote photosynthesis) 1 600watt pulls 260watts from the wall so thats 520watts on lights yea they do run a bit hot but but not even close to what a thousand watt HPS light would put out so I removed the 1400 BTU AC unit catch the inline fan and my carbon scrubber just two exhaust and my two fans for air movement that saved me so much money on electricity and kept me lower under the radar

I measure LED by watts, only those playing marketing hype games try to use something else. Reputable LED makers use real watts so buyers can make valid calculations regarding power usage and heat generated.

When I say I use 900W of LED to light 24 ft² of trellis, I mean that's what the Kill-a-Watt says. In my case I'm including the driver, too. I think it's only fair.

Even HID lighting proponents play games by discussing the power draw of the lamp rather than the entire fixture including the ballast.

killawatt rules: it tells you how things

are gonna go in the wallet arena

and I've lost my fuck'in instructions again!
DUDE, DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT the original question was? I have stated many of times but HPS lights are very good and probably the best out there right now but for a 5 by 5 tent where power is an issue LED lights would be a perfect fit I said in my opinion I personally Run To 600w Mars Hydro LED lights I don't care about your meters and all the numbers I know these things I was answering a question stop with all the trolling
Though i do think thats subjectice.
Im in a cold climate. Hps makes total sense for me.
Keeps my canopy nice and warm too.

i am tempted to splash out on an HPS 1000W , im growing in UK summertime too but we all know the weather is shite !
in my room i have large window for in/out fans or even passive intake.
can we here in UK still grow indoors in summer ,i hear many say "no " but why ?
so, lights ...decide on 1000 or 2 x 600s .

can you advise what 10000 light kit to get , a link and cost maybe ..i should point out i want approx 16 plants in my 5x5 .......cheers !
i am tempted to splash out on an HPS 1000W , im growing in UK summertime too but we all know the weather is shite !
in my room i have large window for in/out fans or even passive intake.
can we here in UK still grow indoors in summer ,i hear many say "no " but why ?
so, lights ...decide on 1000 or 2 x 600s .

can you advise what 10000 light kit to get , a link and cost maybe ..i should point out i want approx 16 plants in my 5x5 .......cheers !
I think youll be able to do fine with the 1000w. Just put it in an 8inch cool tube, and extract the shit out of it. Get the strongest 8 inch fan you can, with a speed controler. Grab a dimming ballast too. Just incase it does get too hot, or intense. Imho
I think youll be able to do fine with the 1000w. Just put it in an 8inch cool tube, and extract the shit out of it. Get the strongest 8 inch fan you can, with a speed controler. Grab a dimming ballast too. Just incase it does get too hot, or intense. Imho
But id go the two 600's
i am tempted to splash out on an HPS 1000W , im growing in UK summertime too but we all know the weather is shite !
in my room i have large window for in/out fans or even passive intake.
can we here in UK still grow indoors in summer ,i hear many say "no " but why ?
so, lights ...decide on 1000 or 2 x 600s .

can you advise what 10000 light kit to get , a link and cost maybe ..i should point out i want approx 16 plants in my 5x5 .......cheers !
I stopped growing in the summer because of the added expense and added stress... I think our summers are similar to yous in the UK here in the Northeast U.S. I try to finish flowering for the summer by the end of June... Sometimes the plants don't finish until July but I'm usually much more on edge by then.

Controlling the indoor grow environment in the summer is no joke! Dehumidifiers are needed to remove moisture, which really kicks up the heat... So you need to add an A/C... Hot air holds more moisture than cool air... Heat and high humidity are frightful combination for the delicate flowers! When you have to harvest everything early because the environment is too difficult too control, it completely changes the economics....

I recommended a single 600 watt HPS because, from your posts, I figured you were just getting started growing... a 1200 watt grow is significantly more difficult to manage than a 600 watt grow... starting out with 1200 watts HPS, while reasonable and manageable under most conditions with the proper environmental controls... Will pose serious challenges to a new grower. That being said, a 600 watt HPS will provide roughly half the crop of 1200 watts...

A 600 watt HPS will have a small efficiency advantage over a 1000 watt HPS... A 1000 watt HPS has a significant Wow advantage over the 600 watt HPS... I'm still using my first 600 watt HPS... Sure, it's sat on a shelf some times... But it's a workhorse and I keep falling back on it... (~6 years)

Getting a shroud with an air tube would help channel the air out of the tent but I am not a fan... I gave away my shrouded hood... I just don't like the efficiency loss, regardless of how small, on a 600 w HPS... It probably is necessary if you go with a 1000 watt HPS and flower in the summer.

Best of Luck!

Are your prices on Amazon similar to the US? I would select the highest-rated with the most reasonable cost... The cheaper models will likely have many more legitimate reviews to give you an idea where that particular product stands... Sometimes the cheapest have a deficiency that shows up in the ratings... I then work my way up until I have confidence in the product before pulling the trigger...