Thanks for your input! When I started using Mammoth P, the stems on all the strains I grow stiffened up nicely... Including the plant strain with the anomaly! By all indications the plants are healthy, but on the Pineapple Chunk, the junction between the main trunk and the branch seems overly brittle... I've also noticed the branches that this happens to, don't sag at all under the weight of the bud, increasing the stress at the fulcrum point (The branch/main trunk joint.) (The branches that separate from the trunk are straight with no downward arc along the length of the branch... To me the branch looks stronger than one that doesn't peel away from the trunk.) I mixed things up quite a bit with this grow so it's possible I messed things up but to me things look good before they don't. I really like to keep the plants unsupported as long as possible to force them to get strong but it's no big deal if I have to and it is still a good "problem" to have! Do you stake your GG4 early in flower? GG4 is such an awesome strain... There is something special about that plant! Regards!