Power outage am I screwed?


Well-Known Member
hey guys so I have a bad power outage in my area and well I’m a little worried. So yesterday at 5pm lights went off for veg my plants are in veg getting 18/6 they turned back on at 11 pm then I lost power at 1am I still have no power so far it has been 14 hours with now power. I just took them out of the tent and put them in the kitchen and opened the window to give them some light but I will only have sunlight for about another 3 hours. Also no heat temps are 63 I’m scared I have a lot to lose. Will I be ok these plants are turning lime green looks like there trying to flower do I now have to switch to flower. Lmk what you guys think I should do I’m not sure when we will get power back here’s some pictures.
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No worries in veg and they look healthy. Ive had them go dark for up to 3 days and didn't even look like anything happened. Keep them in the dark until you have consistent power again so they're not flipping back & forth.
Doesn't matter much where you have them since you have no fan/power, maybe better outside the tent since your RH is high in there. Main thing is not to have them flip between light/dark too many times, as long as you keep them in the dark anywhere is fine.
Yeah your fine, I've had plants go up to a week with no light. They were a bit pale but absolutely fine. Maybe when you get your power back pull the lights up a bit for a few hours so you don't shock them.
Ok sounds good I’ll leave them in the dark and wait let’s hope this comes back on if soo I’ll run them 24 hours for a couple
Days ??
They will be fine for a few days maybe a week for certain strains. Just do like said and raise the lights a bit when they come back on.

My worry is the smell. Had the power go out and I was running some deep cheese that needed double filters. In about 30 minutes you could smell it outside.

I now keep a deep cycle battery and inverter to at least run my fan and filter.
They will be fine for a few days maybe a week for certain strains. Just do like said and raise the lights a bit when they come back on.

My worry is the smell. Had the power go out and I was running some deep cheese that needed double filters. In about 30 minutes you could smell it outside.

I now keep a deep cycle battery and inverter to at least run my fan and filter.
Funny you say that I can deff smell it not outside yet but inside lol for sure. I def wasn’t expecting this power
Hey guys still no power
Should I wake up at 5 am put plants out in the sun by the window until the sun goes down at 6 pm? Or just leave them alone in the dark again I hear no power till Saturday this is bad!
Hey guys still no power
Should I wake up at 5 am put plants out in the sun by the window until the sun goes down at 6 pm? Or just leave them alone in the dark again I hear no power till Saturday this is bad!

yes any light at all may save your plants if this doesnt get resolved.
I paid to have a 20kw standby connected to my home and grow. it was expensive but dammit
so well worth it. My power fails min 4x yr and one time lasted for 2 weeks! while I played pump jockey at a cost of
40 dollars daily to run 2 8k gens ! She auto starts for 5 minutes weekly and the soft sound-like a lawn mower in the distance
is soothing. when the power has failed its back on before my ass is out of the chair. with the hopper I dont miss a thing
You can take these gens away.......I cant use them anymo ow whoa
yes any light at all may save your plants if this doesnt get resolved.
I paid to have a 20kw standby connected to my home and grow. it was expensive but dammit
so well worth it. My power fails min 4x yr and one time lasted for 2 weeks! while I played pump jockey at a cost of
40 dollars daily to run 2 8k gens ! She auto starts for 5 minutes weekly and the soft sound-like a lawn mower in the distance
is soothing. when the power has failed its back on before my ass is out of the chair. with the hopper I dont miss a thing
You can take these gens away.......I cant use them anymo ow whoa
Yea man I put them in the kitchen with the window open they should get about 8 hours of light let’s hope that’s enough I really don’t wanna stress the plant but what
Am I going to do
U know this sucks
so they've got these battery banks you can run led strip lights on for long periods of time...........
you'll lose yields but at least no flowering of vegging plants and flowering ones will stay alive
Lost power for 5 days in veg, left them be in the tent and had no issues in the end... Only suggestion is move your light up a few inches for the first cycle to prevent damage to the new growth that hasn't had any light...

The damaged leaves seen here were due to that
