I dream of GINI; high income and wealth inequality and gun violence

No, "America" doesn't. BLACK COMMUNITIES, on the other hand, certainly do.

There is a poisonous culture that exists in our black communities that exists in no other community in the nation. It is a culture that embraces violence, ignorance, dependence, and attacks and mocks order, education, and civility. Be they poor white trash, Latino, or any other segment of society that lives in poverty, NONE murder at the rate that our black communities do. Until THEY are willing to confront and change the culture of violence they live by, and celebrate in many cases, then nothing will ever change.
I think you are working hard to ascribe the statistics to racial causes and frankly I think that attitude is part of the problem rather than the solution.


What's missing from this article and others is any discussion of homicides vs poverty and the effects of systemic, institutional and intergenerational racism. Treat any racial group as badly as America treats its black people and I have no doubt they'd be shooting each other in large numbers, too.
You just hurt a lot of peoples feelings, I suspect they will go to their safe space and when they are done crying they will attack you.
You poor downtrodden white man. We should post trigger alerts for you before we start talking about facts regarding violence, race and gun control. That way you won't feel the need to go out with your super de duper prixus delecticus 90 clip semiautomatic rifle with a bump stock and mow down people in a fit of white male rage. You poor dear. I'm sure your mommy did you a disservice when she told you how smart and capable your sub-average intellect is.

On behalf of racially and sexually secure males everywhere, I apologize for neglecting to soothe your brow and put ear plugs on you before beginning honest dialogue with people who want to discuss this issue...
It's a much stronger argument than any coming from either side of the debate in this country.

So show where the connection breaks down? I think the issues of wealth and income inequality are central to America's problems in many areas, not just gun violence.
I think it is more of the traditional family breakdown and liberal socialist morals and policies that make entitled youth go homeless after high school in the inner cities. Well mostly Liberal inner cities IE Chiciago, LA, San Fran. Guns exsisted for a couple centuries and suddenly there is an issue? No there is a morality issue.
I think you are working hard to ascribe the statistics to racial causes and frankly I think that attitude is part of the problem rather than the solution.

Race has nothing to do with it. It's CULTURE. C-U-L-T-U-R-E. Culture. It just so happens that the poisonous culture I referred to in my original post was created by, and exists in, the black community. Any honest black will tell you the same.

What's missing from this article and others is any discussion of homicides vs poverty and the effects of systemic, institutional and intergenerational racism. Treat any racial group as badly as America treats its black people and I have no doubt they'd be shooting each other in large numbers, too.

There have been countless comparisons of violence among impoverished ethnic groups in the U.S., and the homicide and violent crime rate is NOWHERE NEAR the level of blacks in ANY economic segment. If poverty was the issue, poor whites in Appalachia and the southwest would have similar murder rates as poor blacks the nation over, but they don't. Why? Because they don't share the same poisonous culture that places no value on human life.

As for treating blacks "bad" in the U.S., the most likely place a black will get treated "bad", called "nigger", robbed or murdered is in a black neighborhood by blacks. Between welfare, academic and employment favoritism and privilege, and snowflake leftists knocking each other over trying to be the first to virtue signal for the "downtrodden and oppressed" black, "America" treats blacks better than any other ethnic group in the nation. Nobody gives a shit about the plight of poor white trash, rednecks, and hillbillies, and they never will.

Funny how that works.
Race has nothing to do with it. It's CULTURE. C-U-L-T-U-R-E. Culture. It just so happens that the poisonous culture I referred to in my original post was created by, and exists in, the black community. Any honest black will tell you the same.

There have been countless comparisons of violence among impoverished ethnic groups in the U.S., and the homicide and violent crime rate is NOWHERE NEAR the level of blacks in ANY economic segment. If poverty was the issue, poor whites in Appalachia and the southwest would have similar murder rates as poor blacks the nation over, but they don't. Why? Because they don't share the same poisonous culture that places no value on human life.

As for treating blacks "bad" in the U.S., the most likely place a black will get treated "bad", called "nigger", robbed or murdered is in a black neighborhood by blacks. Between welfare, academic and employment favoritism and privilege, and snowflake leftists knocking each other over trying to be the first to virtue signal for the "downtrodden and oppressed" black, "America" treats blacks better than any other ethnic group in the nation. Nobody gives a shit about the plight of poor white trash, rednecks, and hillbillies, and they never will.

Funny how that works.
This is hate propaganda. :dunce::cuss::dunce:
Where did you copy this from?
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Here's some more truth for you SJW apologists to start foaming at the mouth about and denying.

If black males between the ages of 18-49 disappeared today, the crime rate would instantly drop 50%.

There is a serious issue in our black communities, and ignoring it while crying "racist" isn't going to solve it, and neither will gun laws, welfare, or good intentions.

We're done here.

Black crimes.jpg
Here's some more truth for you SJW apologists to start foaming at the mouth about and denying.

If black males between the ages of 18-49 disappeared today, the crime rate would instantly drop 50%.

There is a serious issue in our black communities, and ignoring it while crying "racist" isn't going to solve it, and neither will gun laws, welfare, or good intentions.

We're done here.

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Oh look the white supremacist found some graphs.

Now then. Learn the next step and repeat "correlation doesn't mean causation".

Do you even know what that means, man without a brain?