What did you accomplish today?

They discontinued my fav nutes over a year ago, the Dutch Master Gold line. Best I've ever used. Since then I've been hunting down the rapidly vanishing stock online. I ordered 6 five liter containers from the last vendor (all they had), and they ended up sending me 30 one liter bottles instead! I'm so sick of opening these little fuckers every rez change. I haven't found anymore until last night when I came across two huge 20 liter containers of Flower part A & B. $150 each with free delivery! Last ones they had, too. Looks like I'm set for the next 18 months so, made me smile...
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The guy only got off with a number of small pieces of crap, she still has her bags and laptop.
But yes, it could have been nasty, he had a knife. She is quite shaken up though. Not talking much yet.

Suppose it could have been worse. Someone always has it worse.


WTF? That could only happen in Japan...

Sorry to hear about your wife, glad she is okay...
They discontinued my fav nutes over a year ago, the Dutch Master Gold line. Best I've ever used. Since then I've been hunting down the rapidly vanishing stock online. I ordered 6 five liter containers from the last vendor (all they had), and they ended up sending me 30 one liter bottles instead! I'm so sick of opening these little fuckers every rez change. I haven't found anymore until last night when I came across two huge 20 liter container of Flower part A & B. $150 each with free delivery! Last ones they had, too. Looks like for the next 18 months so, made me smile...
When you do run out give megacrop a try. Its good stuff.
I played an important recital last night for which I spent months preparing. Every recital is important, but I knew that there would be some high profile musicians and an acclaimed critic attending this one, so I really prepared and practiced my ass off. A friend's husband had some Green Crack oil in a vape pen, and I stupidly hit it right before going on, which was a huge mistake. I was so high during my first piece that I stumbled just a bit, but was able to recover nicely. I calmed down enough after that to play my remaining pieces quite well, but that was a mistake I won't make again. Everyone loved the program and congratulated us on the quality and interpretation of our music. A lot of them stuck around and got drunk with us afterward, it was a great success. I'm glad it is over, I can return to preparing other music I've been looking forward to. I was a little tired of preparing only that music. Onward and upward...

I've never played a gig when I wasn't stoned
I've never played a gig when I wasn't stoned

Does the Boat bar in Key West count?

In the 70's my bro's band lost the Bassest (he got drunk & lost) so I got recruited to play Free Bird (one of the only songs I know the bass line to).
I can't tell you what the audience thought but it sounded pretty good to me, then again I was stoned/drunk, I kept up though. :cool:
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I usually play gigs stoned/drunk, too. But playing solo on stage with all eyes on you when you can hear a pin drop is another matter ;)

Rgr that.
Not to be compared with your stressful situation but I played 1st chair F Horn in H/S (3 years) & had enough solo's to give me an unhealthy blood pressure.
Very stressful when everyone is looking @ you & you're the only one making noise.
Does the Boat bar in Key West count?

In the 70's my bro's band lost the Bassest (he got drunk & lost) so I got recruited to play Free Bird (one of the only songs I know the bass line to).
I can't tell you what the audience thought but it sounded pretty good to me, then again I was stoned/drunk, I kept up though. :cool:

I sang Pictures of Matchstick Men on a cruise ship once, to a rather lukewarm reception