Exhausting through the wall?


Well-Known Member
i am venting into my waII and seems Iike aIot of room there to me to vent. aIso i dont give a shit.it works aII that matters to me.pics.
i'd rather have kiIIer marijauna growin in my garden than moId in my waII. haha,besides thier aIot of craks in the boarding in my garage where i feeI it Ieaking bak out anyway. but Iike i said earIier , i dont give a shit. does this hep you any??haha


Well-Known Member
OK so not a book shelf, a large mirror maybe, if it is that easy/central to get to it needs to "disappear". Depending on what state you live in penalties for growing are riduculos even if its just for you, better to spend a weekend and do this right and not be found out. Don't show your bros either, unless they grow their own.

You could stud in and drywall the existing door and create a new smaller door with a mirror on hinges or just a mirror hanging over a small entrance (hang a tarp over the inside to keep light in or create a door that swings in). Then do one large HVAC duct over the mirror and have it split so that it is able to be both an entrance and an exit (not the most efficient, but for cooling a closet it might work). An 400w HPS will prob raise the temp at least 15 degees (prob more) if not vented, so I would say venting is a must. Plus your plants need constant air exchange to grow properly.

Next prob, I doubt you have an outlet in the closet, you don't want random cords running into a wall, too many questions. If there is a outlet in the room which the back side would be facing/near the closet you need to create at least one dedicated outlet (minimal) for inside the closet. I can do basic electrical work and wouldn't feel comfortable advising you on this, its not hard though.

Wish I could have a business just designing and constructing secret rooms, its quite fun. Let me know if you have any more questions


Well-Known Member
About time I found a thread like this. I am having similar issues. I have a squirrel fan pumping air into the wall, theres only about 8 inches of space between two walls of blueboard (drywall) that divide rooms. So I pump air into one section of the wall, and punched a hole in another to allow for air to flow in from the vacuum. My temps from my 400 hps closet grow would get to 88 and that wont work, especially since my room is hot. Would this setup pose potential probs? Is the air thats getting sucked in from another studded off section of wall be to stale to provide a good env for my ladies?


Well-Known Member
As stated earlier most studded off sections are essentially a sealed box, its not so much that it is stale, as it is that there is no air available (put your mouth in a glass and suck, same difference). If you have access to the other side of the wall put a HVAC vent to passively draw in air and/or to vent filtered air out through, make sure you don't have a light leak into the other room. Never under estimate people's power of observation, we are curious by nature, esp when you are sitting around smoking. Dude, whats that annoying sound and that bright ass light coming from that vent?


Well-Known Member
he i s in a condo. the onIy pace he can exhaust properIy is a window, not up not down or side ways. his options are not that of a house..but i think i mite have somehtin for ya here. in my other grow room, i had the same prob. i cut a smaII hoIe in my ceiIing, mounted a smaII powerfuI vaIueIine fan, mounted it , and puIIs Iots of air in from a window , or a open door where ever i want . if you have an upstairs neighbor i dont know if that wouIwork. i been using that one for 7 yrs no moId nuthin. but a piece of attic is in from that area to ,but wat about your ceiIing.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Okay that makes perfect sense. But at the same time would it be okay to grow hindu kush under a 400hps with avg temps of 88? Airflow inside is high and once it gets cold im sure they will lower. Also! If the squirrel fan is pumping air into the wall, where is it going? It must dissapate right? The place was recently renovated and it was quite a shoddy job so I wouldnt be suprised if it had room to escape...


Well-Known Member
Okay that makes perfect sense. But at the same time would it be okay to grow hindu kush under a 400hps with avg temps of 88? Airflow inside is high and once it gets cold im sure they will lower. Also! If the squirrel fan is pumping air into the wall, where is it going? It must dissapate right? The place was recently renovated and it was quite a shoddy job so I wouldnt be suprised if it had room to escape...


Well-Known Member
go to waImart or some where and get 12 inch reg fan take the stand off of it dismanteI it tiII nuthin but wheeI.Iay it on top of the hoIe BIowing upward. or mount it with hooks to the ceiIing. yes 88 F wiII probabIy drop that pIant or it wiII be fight for Iife every day .theres 4 ruIes for growing marijuana successfuIIy. water ( use water from your IocaI refiII ,drinking water if possibIe for best yieId), AIR, (good air exchange restores depIeted co2 in the air) TEMP.(70F to 80F) Iight (400 watt to 600 watt HPS Iight if possibIe. AII these are considered optimum conditions. and nutrients inbetween waterings , every other watering use Ieast amnt prescribed. www.discounthydro.com is the best PIace if you havent got stuff aIready.


Well-Known Member
Homer, thanks for your input. I will take pictures tomorrow so everyone can get a visual of what it the situation exactly is. Unfortunately that idea wont work for me. Its not possible for us to just remodel the closet out of the condo, since its already been seen so its not like the room can just disappear. My excuse for locking the door if anyone asked before is that I keep confidential client files in there. No reason anyone should be poking around there.

I found a guide online for the outlet. Im lucky enough to have a outlet exactly opposite of the wall.

Thrawn, Ive been growing in rubbermaids right now until I move into the new condo, and temps get up to 90 in there, and they are flowering fine. Doesnt look like they are fighting for their lives. The ambiant temps are 78 around the box anyways.

Raiderman, that would work, as right above the closet is the stairs.


Well-Known Member
Lets see some pics of the space, I'm confident that with a little innovation we can solve your problem. I set up a closet for a med patient and I just installed two vents in the ceiling and ran the ducting into the closet. It just looked like he had two heat/ac vents in his ceiling.


Well-Known Member
Pics of the place, First pic shows the the closet with the door closed. Outlet is in a good place so it will be easy to power up the closet.

Second pic shows it with the door open and the stairs, you can see that right above the closet is the stairs

Third pic just shows a the opposing vent. I cant have something that looks just like that or else it would look wierd. What kind of vent would make sense coming out of that wall? It would have to be something logical, of why we would go out of our way to install that vent



Well-Known Member
sure is nice pIace ,a good growroom may mean tearing up a nice ceiIing or something . and myIar, or somethin.does your air cond. work . can you run the ac wen your growin and exhaust in the ceiIng and keep it nice , with smaII fan osciIIating temp. controIed air.


Well-Known Member
Ok this one is not too hard but will require a little dry wall work and re-painting afterwards but i could probably have you set up in a day. See that vent on the right side of your room on the wall across from the closet? Install one of those as a passive intake on the outside wall, run a duct into the closet from there. It will just look like a regular AC return vent in your house. Next step is exhaust. Install a small heating vent in the ceiling outside of your closet, run a duct through your ceiling and into the closet. You are going to have to rip out some drywall and make a bit of a mess but after its all said and done you can light proof the door with some panda plastic and a zipper, install a doorknob with a lock and no one will ever know you have a grow room. :mrgreen: If you don't want to do the drywall work just rip it out yourself and stop by Lowes in the morning and pick up a mexican. Pay him cash and he will be happy.



Well-Known Member
New Growth, hmm, not sure if im really understanding. Why would I install a vent that looks the same on the left wall? Arnt there usually only one of each of those vents in each house?

The only type of vents I can think about that would work are the smaller rectangular AC vents. What does the smaller heating vents look like? It would look weird having 2 of the exact same vents coming out of the side of the wall. I edited the picture to show Im thinking the vents would have to be. The top one would look awkward since it can only be so high. The stairs restrict the height that the second vent could be.

Raiderman, I dont really want to tear into the ceiling because the stairs are there.

Hillbilly, venting into the sides arnt a option, I dont want mold



Well-Known Member
New Growth, hmm, not sure if im really understanding. Why would I install a vent that looks the same on the left wall? Arnt there usually only one of each of those vents in each house?
Some times there are two return vent because you have "zones" and two heat pumps. Nobody would ask you though:bigjoint:

The only type of vents I can think about that would work are the smaller rectangular AC vents. What does the smaller heating vents look like? It would look weird having 2 of the exact same vents coming out of the side of the wall. I edited the picture to show Im thinking the vents would have to be. The top one would look awkward since it can only be so high. The stairs restrict the height that the second vent could be.
You are thinking of the same type of vent, small rectangular AC vent. The top vent can be placed on the ceiling of your kitchen side. The stairs should be no problem, the duct work does not have to be concealed inside the closet. The vent would be installed in the ceiling just outside the door, not suspicious, just another ceiling vent. Just find vents that match the others you have in your house.


Well-Known Member
Wow, quick response.

WHat exactly is a return vent? The only problem that I see with installing such a huge vent is that the people who have visited the house before will ask why.(my parents and fiance's parents)

As for the top vent on top of the door should look good. I can go higher since the ceiling for the closet is sloped. How does that pic look.



Well-Known Member
WHat exactly is a return vent? The only problem that I see with installing such a huge vent is that the people who have visited the house before will ask why.(my parents and fiance's parents)
A return vent where your HVAC draws air from inside your house to be heated or cooled. There is probably a filter right behind that vent too. As for people asking, just put a coffee table in front of it with a table cloth in front of it. You could even put a couch pulled a few inches off the wall in front of it so air flow is not blocked but line of sight is.

As for the top vent on top of the door should look good. I can go higher since the ceiling for the closet is sloped. How does that pic look.
Looks good to me!

Hmm, Ive been thinking. Now that I have to cut holes into the wall, is it worth the trouble of growing it in a closet? Is it better than growing it in a cab? I could build something like International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Pipedream"s 150w Tiny Bubbler System with a 400w.
But it does seems like it would only be a bit more complicated.
What do you guys think? Would I get more yield in a closet compared to a cabinet?
If you are planning on staying there for a while I would go with the closet space, it will provide you with more room to play and allow for more modifications, you could even section it off with a mother/veg/ clone area and have the other part be the flowering area. The other benefit is you can easily install a lock on that door, much more secure. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Is that sloped area under the stairs accessible from inside the closet? If so, I would put an exhaust vent (make it look like a heat vent) right in that little triangle of space under the stairs shown in the first pic of your place. Then I would take that electrical outlet closest to the closet and turn it around for use within the closet. Change that to a passive intake and you're set! As long as you have the odour and humidity problems covered in the condo, that is.