Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs


Well-Known Member

This is my second journal for my second grow. Im just about to harvest my first grow of Lowryder 2 which went quite well and now Im ready to plant some new seeds. This time, after knowing a bit more about the automatic varieties (automatic means they start to flower after about 3 weeks regardless of the light regime so they dont need 12/12 lighting) I chose Lowlife Automatic White Russian which is a cross between White Russian (White Widow x AK-47) and Lowryder (Pretty sure its Lowryder!). I got 10 regular seeds because I wanted the option of making my own seeds, although Im not sure my seed making attempts on the Lowryders has worked but Id like to try. Sooo.. should be interesting!

I will be using regular compost from the garden centre and 2 big dual CFLs - one 125w one 250w, both dual spectrum. I used these for my last grow and they have been fine for me so far. Everything's pretty simple and basic but I will give them lots of love!




Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! Well I planted 4 of them yesterday. I put cling film over 2 of them to see if it makes a difference. Theyve gone in the cupboard with the others coz its nice and warm in there. I reckon Ill be seeing some signs of life by Sunday; Ill keep you posted!


Well-Known Member
hi queenbee, subscribed! I'll be watching closely thinking about trying a differnt autoflowering strain myself next time so very intrested. Pics please! lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol ok heres some pics, not very exciting yet! I think Ill plant 2 more when theres more room in the cupboard. More pics will follow when things start to happen!



Well-Known Member
Woooohoooo for pics queenbee! *sits and waits for them to pop though the soil lol*

Lol ok heres some pics, not very exciting yet! I think Ill plant 2 more when theres more room in the cupboard. More pics will follow when things start to happen!


Well-Known Member
Well, I was a bit too eager in my prediction but... 3 of them are through today! :D Please see pic! I had a little gentle poke around in the soil last night (probably not the best idea but I like to see whats going on!) and the 4th seed hasnt opened yet but Ill give it a chance. Still very happy with my 3 new babies! None of them have the seed still attached either so thats good, I dont like it when they get trapped, obv



Well-Known Member
Hey queenbee :mrgreen:

i just sat for the last hour or so and read through the whole 23 pages of your last grow, very nice for the first time round. have you smoked any yet? if so was it nice?

i'l follow this one now to and tag along if you dont mind.

i ordered the lowryder dwarf mix and they arrived today so i'l be growing pretty much alomg side you so we can compare? im using a 70w hps though with some cfl's.

happy smoking

puff puff pass >>>>>>>>:joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah we got the kettle on and rolled a few blue petters, jus waiting for the show to begin.


Well-Known Member
Hey queenbee :mrgreen:

i just sat for the last hour or so and read through the whole 23 pages of your last grow, very nice for the first time round. have you smoked any yet? if so was it nice?

i'l follow this one now to and tag along if you dont mind.

i ordered the lowryder dwarf mix and they arrived today so i'l be growing pretty much alomg side you so we can compare? im using a 70w hps though with some cfl's.

happy smoking

puff puff pass >>>>>>>>:joint:

Hiya, its great to have people tagging along :) Yes Im smoking it now (bits Ive dried infront of the fire!) and its all good. Think Im getting a bit of variety with the types of high of the different bits Ive cut off. Not a bad thing; keeps things interesting! I'll definately be interested in seeing your grow, Id like to try a mixed pack one day I like the idea of a bit of variety. Feel free to post some pics for me!

Anyways; speaking of the Lowryders in my last grow, yesterday I found 6 seeds from A and 6 seeds from C (these should both be bred with D who was my stongest Lowryder male). I planted 3 from A and 3 from C. The 3 seeds from A are I, J and K and the 3 seeds from C are L, M and N. The white russian seeds (still only 3 through) are Z, Y, X, and W.

They are all together now on a tray with the 125w CFL in position and ready to be turned on in a couple of days when G (from my last grow) is fully harvested.

Pics are some of my Lowryder 2 seeds and them in the pots. The srouted ones are Z, Y and X.

So, just to summarise I have:

4 Automatic White Russians planted 2.10.08
3 (Z, Y, X) sprouted, 1 (W) still waiting

3 Lowryder 2 (A x D) planted 7.10.08
(I, J, K) not through yet

3 Lowryder 2 (C x D) planted 7.10.08
(L, M, N) not through yet



Well-Known Member
Also, coz I now have 10 seeds planted I wont be planting anymore at least until I know which of these are females. If I get 5 females from these I wont really have enough room! Id probably end up getting another light or something tho, I wont let them go to waste!

mr west

Well-Known Member
variety is the spice of life lol. I updated my threads today if u wanna look at my variety? lol keep it up Queenie


Well-Known Member
yeh i'l be doing a full journal from start to finish queen so i'l keep it updated regulary with pics.

the good thing about the mixed baggie is that i have no idea what's going to be in it. i could have lr2 crossed with anything? so at least i have variety.

glad the smokes nice for you. enjoy what you made.

i see your growing your homemade seeds to good luck with your grow

did i hear there's coffee going?


Well-Known Member
No coffee here, Im couch-bound for a small while now lol! Its hard trying to stop smoking it coz i want to weigh it all first but its not all dry!

Yea Im very interested to see what my seeds produce. Its great to be doing a second generation. Maybe someone can help you work out what you might have. I hope you've got a good mix fingers crossed for ya! Post me a link for your grow when youve got it sorted :)


Well-Known Member
ah well... i was sure i heard coffee though :lol: j/k

yeh it would be nice if someone could tell from looks on here. but even if they cant it will be a nice suprise when i get to smoke all diffrent strains. if i like the way they look i might try pollinating and using my own seeds rather than buying more, i want some diesel ryders though. they look so tasty.

i'l be putting the seeds in soil tonight so my journal will be started tomoro morning.

i'l swing by and drop you the link here.