Daddy Issues. Blackrose x Jack Herer


Well-Known Member
It really does pay to simplify. 2ml si 8ml micro 15ml bloom. Haven't been in the room since last pic. Looks like they drank 15 gallons in my absence. The split down the center of the stalk really didn't seem to affect her however wonder what it would look like without the trauma. 20180221_201439.jpg 20180221_201346.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well what went right.. Feed regiment was best yet after 2 years of messing with cutting edges full line. Ended up with 12 zips of high grade.
What went wrong.. black rose pollen was not viable so the breeding project derailed this will have to make another run at it. Buds were so heavy at 4th week it split the main stalk in half: however, did not seem to effect my best horizontal run ever with a single 600 watt hps.
I learned what the masters have been saying all along.... less is more...