Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

My free is a peaceful free and requires people to mind their own business and not use guns in offensive ways.
Yours empowers and legally sanctifies using offensive force against neutral people, which makes you supportive of molesters.
you call kicking black people out of stores defensive and black people shopping at the store offensive though so we don't really trust you when you talk about what is defensive and offensive force.

also, you have a problem thinking 12 year old children can consent
you call kicking black people out of stores defensive and black people shopping at the store offensive though so we don't really trust you when you talk about what is defensive and offensive force.

also, you have a problem thinking 12 year old children can consent

Whether you agree with me or like me or continually miscast my positions for your mental masturbatory delight, has no bearing on whether or not my description of offensive force and defensive force is accurate, which is it, Nanny.

I consented to sex at 13 with a large breasted teen who was older than me. It was delightful. I'm sorry your experience with the badman didn't go well for you and caused you to suffer fecal incontinence well into your teens.

I did like that you said please twice yesterday though, I hold out hope for you.
Whether you agree with me or like me or continually miscast my positions for your mental masturbatory delight, has no bearing on whether or not my description of offensive force and defensive force is accurate, which is it, Nanny.

I consented to sex at 13 with a large breasted teen who was older than me. It was delightful. I'm sorry your experience with the badman didn't go well for you and caused you to suffer fecal incontinence well into your teens.

I did like that you said please twice yesterday though, I hold out hope for you.
you described an adult raping a child and called it a "voluntary transaction"
Except now you're misrepresenting my personal view point.

If I had a store a persons color wouldn't be an issue for me, but if it was, it would be a property owners right not to be forced to serve anyone. People who are forced to serve others against their wishes are slaves aren't they?

If you owned a store though, I wouldn't use a threat of actual gun use to tell you how to run it, like you would tell others. That's because I'm not into making people my slave or threatening offensive use of guns, like you are.
you're just a broken record, skipping in the same groove over and over and over...and misquote, misrepresent, use specious arguments and circular logic to prove non points.....just not wasting any more time on you.....go live in a cave and horde canned goods till the rest of fuck up like you know we will, then you and the rest of the cockroaches can scurry out and live off the ruins of what we built while you were busy not being any use at all
I was going to call bullshit but I can't find any numbers proving this wrong. Can someone show me some crime statistics that point In the other direction? Metapedia and a bunch of other places basically solidified the statement in the title of this thread.

It's not just murder either, what's causing this? Where's the other statistics that say white people commit more hate crimes and murders, could they be suppressed or are these figures accurate?

I could care less about the color of someone's skin, I hate to say it though there's not much of an excuse for these numbers, poverty can't be the only reason, why would people of color commit more violent crime? Is it provoked more? Is it a cultural thing?

We are all to blame for a lot of things, statistics may be flawed but when they are leaning heavily one way it makes you question things.

Anyone care to find some better information?
I was going to call bullshit but I can't find any numbers proving this wrong. Can someone show me some crime statistics that point In the other direction? Metapedia and a bunch of other places basically solidified the statement in the title of this thread.

It's not just murder either, what's causing this? Where's the other statistics that say white people commit more hate crimes and murders, could they be suppressed or are these figures accurate?

I could care less about the color of someone's skin, I hate to say it though there's not much of an excuse for these numbers, poverty can't be the only reason, why would people of color commit more violent crime? Is it provoked more? Is it a cultural thing?

We are all to blame for a lot of things, statistics may be flawed but when they are leaning heavily one way it makes you question things.

Anyone care to find some better information?

skin color and crime are not related at all.
skin color and crime are not related at all.
Ok can you show me something that supports that? This shit gets wrote down right? You use statistics to support everything and you get them from Wikipedia most the time, do they mean nothing in this case?

If not then we can all agree that correlation doesn't equal causation correct? I'm just intrigued really, why are the numbers there if they don't mean anything?
Well this thread was a waste of time.

@Rob Roy
Should it continue to be illegal and punishable to fuck a minor?
This is fucked up tho if u think about it, by law parents can consent for their 16 year olds in some states. The law basically gives them the second half of power over their sexual life untill they are 18.

These laws are dumb and should be set federally not by state.
i'm actually curious why this is happening. if the statistics are accurate, they are disturbing. i'd like to have some explanation of these numbers, and what they mean. and that's not an invitation for an idiots guide to statistics, or anyone's personal prejudices, it's an actual desire to understand why this is happening
Very common tactic to use misleading graphics to guide people toward a desired conclusion.

One could ask regarding the bot's programmer's main thesis -- why would skin melanin cause violence? There is no reason given why the numbers line up this way, they are presented in a scientific chart in a way that is misleading. Correlation does not mean causation. What causes would be behind this relatively artificial sort according to skin color?

Put another way, what physical, social or biological evidence help confirm that there is a real source of violence in the US due to the color of a person's skin. There is none. Just the graph. In an earlier post, I showed how the number of lemons imported into the US correlated to divorce. There are weird, meaningless and arbitrary correlations to be found everywhere. Not that there isn't something driving the violence in segregated communities in the US but skin color has no merit as a major cause.

A different hypothesis is that stress due to low economic status and the corrosive effects of racism both historical and current are the root cause. There is plenty of evidence that economic stress and low social mobility (aka racism) are behind violence in other groups that do not have a higher amount of melanin in the skin.

For example this from the World Bank:

We investigate the robustness and causality of the link between income inequality and violent crime across countries. First, we study the correlation between the Gini index and homicide and robbery rates within and between countries. Second, we examine the partial correlation by considering other crime determinants. Third, we control for the endogeneity of inequality by isolating its exogenous impact on these crime rates. Fourth, we control for measurement error in crime rates by modeling it as both unobserved country effects and random noise. Finally, we examine the robustness of this partial correlation to alternative measures of inequality. The panel data consist of nonoverlapping 5-year averages for 39 countries during 1965–95 for homicides and 37 countries during 1970–94 for robberies. Crime rates and inequality are positively correlated within countries and, particularly, between countries, and this correlation reflects causation from inequality to crime rates, even after controlling for other crime determinants.
sure. but it'd be better if you explained to me the mechanism in melanin which causes crime
Melanin doesn't, but skin color is genetic and genes reflect imprinted culture behaviors.

This says a lot really, we all evolve and move away from our cultures in a different way, some cling to behaviors and ways from the past.

This by no means is a generalization, it just is a way of explaining some of the numbers, all of us somewhere have fucked up ancestry and somewhere it had more or less influence in the way we act today.

We can only focus on the future of America and not the past if we want to solve or help these problems though. We can't ignore facts wether they exploit blacks or whites or not. These facts will help us understand our society and work toward a better future.

Being black doesn't make you more likely to commit a crime, being born in a black crime filled community might though.

Being white doesn't make you more likely to be racist toward blacks, but being born in a white racist community might though.
You touch on a very good point.
If you believe that all your problems are caused by someone else, you are powerless.

I lived in Utah for a long time, and believe me, there's plenty of white trash.
Poverty is the real enemy, IMHO.
True, poverty is an enemy to all. Another factor is artificial constraints on social mobility. For as long as we've tracked income (about 50 years) vs racial groups, black and Hispanic people have consistently earned 20% less than white people. Through times of rising income and recession, it's always about 20% wage disparity.

So, great, reduce economic stratification and bring up incomes. Without doing something to address racism, wages of darker skin people will still be 20% less.