Unlike previous versions, that sums it up nicely. Not sure what I said about repairing, if anything. If it’s really old and has historical value, sure repair it. The less the better though. Same for all other abrahamic desert fairytale institutions that merely exist to repress people. Just as they brainwash young souls into believing in nonsense and thereby denying a proper development of their intellect, we should, and we sound people do, re-educate them as young as possible. While you have your own fantasies about what that means, less deranged people know teaching western values to immigrants from less advanced countries is the right thing to do. Teaching children to think for themselves rather than be a slave to a grown out of hand sekt is the right thing to do.
Islam is a cause for many of the problems europe but also muslim countries (ask their women) are experiencing. I know you have been conditioned to believe it is not done to target a religion because all of that misinterpreted freedom of [read: from] speech nonsense but abrahamic religions are the source of so much evil, above all malforming intellect but also your obnoxious president. You are not ok with christian hillbillies but think islam does not lead to the same idiocracy. That’s just ignorant and hypocrite.
Funny, it’s a bit like describing colors to someone who only sees black and white while you are just still butthurt because I pointed out so eloquently your black and white extremist thinking. Get over it man, I’d be the first to bitch slap Le Pen or Wilders if they got in reach but that doesn’t mean I’m blind to the evil that is islam.