Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

speaking of manifesto, are you ever going to finish yours.
I would also like to know HOW DID YOU FILE OR WILL FILE THIS YEAR ?

Oh dear.

A little birdie just informed me that you like to hang out at laundry mats sniffing dirty underwear. Why is that?
Probably because you are a cuck who would believe anything, like when your wife says she is about to go to prayer meeting.
She really does find herself on her knees, but not for prayer...unless you count " Oh My God you have a big black cock" as prayer.
Why is that ?
Probably because you are a cuck who would believe anything, like when your wife says she is about to go to prayer meeting.
She really does find herself on her knees, but not for prayer...unless you count " Oh My God you have a big black cock" as prayer.
Why is that ?
Haha! You're quite the imaginative one. I'm sorry if I spilled the beans on your dirty panty sniffing hobbie.
if he was saying the same thing about muslim people you would be clapping like a mad man.

didn't you say we need to literally ban islam, re-educate all thew children, stop them from building any mosques and even repairing existing ones?
Unlike previous versions, that sums it up nicely. Not sure what I said about repairing, if anything. If it’s really old and has historical value, sure repair it. The less the better though. Same for all other abrahamic desert fairytale institutions that merely exist to repress people. Just as they brainwash young souls into believing in nonsense and thereby denying a proper development of their intellect, we should, and we sound people do, re-educate them as young as possible. While you have your own fantasies about what that means, less deranged people know teaching western values to immigrants from less advanced countries is the right thing to do. Teaching children to think for themselves rather than be a slave to a grown out of hand sekt is the right thing to do.

Islam is a cause for many of the problems europe but also muslim countries (ask their women) are experiencing. I know you have been conditioned to believe it is not done to target a religion because all of that misinterpreted freedom of [read: from] speech nonsense but abrahamic religions are the source of so much evil, above all malforming intellect but also your obnoxious president. You are not ok with christian hillbillies but think islam does not lead to the same idiocracy. That’s just ignorant and hypocrite.

Funny, it’s a bit like describing colors to someone who only sees black and white while you are just still butthurt because I pointed out so eloquently your black and white extremist thinking. Get over it man, I’d be the first to bitch slap Le Pen or Wilders if they got in reach but that doesn’t mean I’m blind to the evil that is islam.

Unlike previous versions, that sums it up nicely. Not sure what I said about repairing, if anything. If it’s really old and has historical value, sure repair it. The less the better though. Same for all other abrahamic desert fairytale institutions that merely exist to repress people. Just as they brainwash young souls into believing in nonsense and thereby denying a proper development of their intellect, we should, and we sound people do, re-educate them as young as possible. While you have your own fantasies about what that means, less deranged people know teaching western values to immigrants from less advanced countries is the right thing to do. Teaching children to think for themselves rather than be a slave to a grown out of hand sekt is the right thing to do.

Islam is a cause for many of the problems europe but also muslim countries (ask their women) are experiencing. I know you have been conditioned to believe it is not done to target a religion because all of that misinterpreted freedom of [read: from] speech nonsense but abrahamic religions are the source of so much evil, above all malforming intellect but also your obnoxious president. You are not ok with christian hillbillies but think islam does not lead to the same idiocracy. That’s just ignorant and hypocrite.

Funny, it’s a bit like describing colors to someone who only sees black and white while you are just still butthurt because I pointed out so eloquently your black and white extremist thinking. Get over it man, I’d be the first to bitch slap Le Pen or Wilders if they got in reach but that doesn’t mean I’m blind to the evil that is islam.
you accuse others of "black and white extremist thinking" while advocating the ban of an entire religion.

not even hitler was that extreme when he got into power.

you are literally more fanatical than hitler
You are a free person and you like them. That's all the reason you need.

If you believed in equality of every person, you'd know I don't have the right to prohibit you from having things you want or from wearing those pink panties you like to wear, that's none of my business and if I tried to stop you, you'd have every right to defend yourself.

Let me have my nuke or stfu you dumb dotard.
That's not what I said. But you both know that. Why give someone an impossible choice or situation just to blame them when the inevitable happens? To absolve yourself or what you identify with?

How good did blacks in the US have it in the year 1800? 1850? 1900? 1950? 1980? It's not like the problems of the black community sprouted overnighted, they have been inherited from generations of disadvantage to put it lightly.

Just put yourself in the shoes of a young black man in the 1980s. High School was broken down, severely underfunded, full of gangs and drugs. Whether you graduate or not there are few jobs, very little good paying ones if any, you already had a bad start, maybe your mom is on drugs, your kid is hungry, you are the verge of being evicted. Then you look outside and you see the gang/drug money, "ok that is what I have to do to provide." It's a trap and it isn't easy to imagine another way when it is all you know. I have sympathy for that situation, but that doesn't mean I don't hold the ideal of personal responsibility. I'm trying to balance personal responsibility with the reality of the environment. You want a comprehensive view of the situation or do you want me to make you feel 'right' or 'superior' or 'absolved' by telling you it is the melonin in their skin that makes them shoot eachother?

i don't think melanin has anything to do with it. i don't think that black people are inherently inferior to white people. i personally think there is so little genetic difference between the "races" of man, that its a ridiculous argument to use for almost anything, besides proving the effect of environment on the development of physical melanin.
i've said a couple of times already i think it's societal problem, not a racial problem.
i already have as comprehensive a view of the situation as you do...i have the same resources to use.
it just kind of seems like you expect me to feel bad for causing this situation, and i won't, ever, because i didn't. i feel bad that we're letting it persist, but i'm just one guy, no one gives a shit what i say. i know that, because i spent my youth shouting that things were fucked up, and we have to fix this shit, now. all that did was make me hoarse, and frustrated.
so i have nothing at all to feel right, or superior about, nor have i done anything to be absolved of.
offer a constructive solution, and i'll pitch in. offer recriminations and blame, and i'll just ignore it, like i do now.
Sounds strangely like your pedophile creed

Guns are inanimate and don't require your consent to own them.

Children, like the kind you keep locked in your basement, are animate and should be protected from predators like you who champion using guns to collect money to fund placing children in government indoctrination centers you cutely refer to as schools.

You aren't against using guns for things you like are you?
Guns are inanimate and don't require your consent to own them.

Children, like the kind you keep locked in your basement, are animate and should be protected from predators like you who champion using guns to collect money to fund placing children in government indoctrination centers you cutely refer to as schools.

You aren't against using guns for things you like are you?

Spoken like a true sex offender. But You're free and can do anything you want. Because your 'free' is a lawless free.

What about those poor boys?
Let me have my nuke or stfu you dumb dotard.

This would be a better insult if only your government hadn't used NUKES to murder innocent people and you continue to willingly fund the proliferation and maintenance of them because you place blind obedience over principle.

Even more ironic is if you didn't fund them, they'd send men with guns to make you fund them, which kind of places some doubt on which of us is the dumb dotard eh?
Spoken like a true sex offender. But You're free and can do anything you want. Because your 'free' is a lawless free.

What about those poor boys?

My free is a peaceful free and requires people to mind their own business and not use guns in offensive ways.
Yours empowers and legally sanctifies using offensive force against neutral people, which makes you supportive of molesters.
As long as blacks don't come to your store and the young boys don't say anything.

You're truly a pillar of freedom.

Except now you're misrepresenting my personal view point.

If I had a store a persons color wouldn't be an issue for me, but if it was, it would be a property owners right not to be forced to serve anyone. People who are forced to serve others against their wishes are slaves aren't they?

If you owned a store though, I wouldn't use a threat of actual gun use to tell you how to run it, like you would tell others. That's because I'm not into making people my slave or threatening offensive use of guns, like you are.