Drug test .. tomorrow the big day


Well-Known Member
Last time I just a home test and it came back good so I didn't worry about it, if it came back positive I'd then resort to something else.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, I'm almost positive they can. Male and Females have different hormones. I really hope I'm wrong for your sake BudGirl, but I don't think so. I know I have herd stories about people doing the same thing, and the lab tech telling some guy he's pregnant. :)


Well-Known Member
ohh well lets see..
Thats about all you can say or do. Too late now sence it is off to a lab. Just hope they can't tell male or female or just don't check for it. Good luck either way. Hope you get the job. Kinda BS our small community even has to worry about this crap.

I have a doctors appointment on monday. Might be tested myself sence I get all my scripts from them. I smoke to releave back and leg pain. So sence they hand out alot of controlled substance scripts they test for illegal drugs alot. I haven't been tested in along time. Kinda due for one soon.

Edited to add
I haven't smoked in about a month so I am not really worried about it. I knew this might be coming so thats why I stopped for a bit. Till monday after the appointment. LMAO.


Well-Known Member
I really hope you do pass. I know how you feel. It sucks not getting a job because you do a "drug" that is safer than Alcohol, Tobacco and Aspirin. But what do we know. Lets all bow down to the government. After all, we all know that Bush is smarter than all of us...


Active Member
jajaj thats the same thing that i always say. alcohol is even worst.but what can we do. nah if something happen i just take the test again and this time i will do it myself im not smoking yet..


Well-Known Member
8 hours after smoking and my test came back clean, the results were within 1 PPM of the thresh hold, but legal is legal. You would have definitely passed the test if you had just done it your self. I just drink water, take creatine and vit b, I also sometimes substitute synthetic, but its not always known when you have to go, its random here you don't know about it until the day you have to go.


Well-Known Member
Drug testing is getting ridiculous anymore. You should be able to do what you want on your free time. I guess you should switch from weed to some coke because you can do an eightball on Friday and piss clean on Monday, with weed you can smoke once a month ago and come back positive.


Active Member
i have the receipt here this is the test that they did to me 35190n sap 10-50/2000 w/nit i was loong some information on the internet and they dont test for sex. its 10 diffferents types of drugs and at the end where it says w/NIT they just look for bacterias or infections.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, I'm almost positive they can. Male and Females have different hormones. I really hope I'm wrong for your sake BudGirl, but I don't think so. I know I have herd stories about people doing the same thing, and the lab tech telling some guy he's pregnant. :)
lol.Thats just a myth dude.... They can tell if its male or female .... but they dont test for it.... each test is different... and for a urine drug test they check for drugs ....they check other things to make sure its piss..... But unless something weird shows up they wont test any further....:mrgreen:

Ive used female piss to pass my tests 4 times.... well 2 times a male and 2 times a female ...... the 5 th time i got screwed cause the temp cooled down ..... 1 time they actually called me directly to give me the results....

GOOD LUCK BudGirl....... You should be fine....:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
did you have your son pee right before the test? because the temperature definitely matters, or so the nurse told me.

oh and bud4less, i like your cat. and its laying down place. lawl.


Well-Known Member
i use something called "the quick fix". its a small bottle of synthetic urine that has never failed for me. it comes with hand warmer to warm it, a temperature strip on the bottle so you can get the prime temp, and a pouring spout to look like urination. it also fits very well in the "gooch" area

its great because, unlike detox pills and drinks, you can have it on you or in your car for every time you have a random test. it doesnt go bad and only takes 10-15 mins to heat up


Active Member
heyyyyyyyyy everybody!!! i went to the hospital on monday to show my tb test and they told me my urine test came out negative for drugs.. jejejejeje thanks to my son. I know im clean but i just did that just in case, i didnt want to loose that opportunity. But anyway now im done.and i still havent smoke. :) What i did that day .. i put the urine on the microwave for about 1 min so it was really warm and then before i was in the place i put it into my legs so it keep warm.. AND IT WORKED FOR MEEEEEE.. im happy jejeje


Well-Known Member
since your not smokin wait for the month to end and piss and save sounds gross but if then use a more advanced test might help or just go back to your son