Dubya's final "fuck you" to America


Well-Known Member
Neo- new, an abnornal outgrowth
Con- short for 'conservative'

Beleive me, Bush fucked america LONG before this........

Read Wrecking Crew. Good book, a real eye opener.


Well-Known Member
Neo- new, an abnornal outgrowth
Con- short for 'conservative'

Beleive me, Bush fucked america LONG before this........

Read Wrecking Crew. Good book, a real eye opener.

Right, but most folks thought his final act of "FU" would be to invade Iran and then hand that hot potato off to the next president. Instead and is going to ensure that no one will ever top his federal debt.


New Member
NeoCon = Reconstituted old liberal in faux new clothing. Or more accurately, an old liberal who strives for marxist/fascist domestic policies, while at the same time, promotes foreign entanglements. There is NOTHING conservative about these people.

Ron Paul is a conservative. Sarah Palin is a conservative. I am a conservative.




Well-Known Member
How are sarah palin and ron paul in any way alike....sarah palin is not a conservative. rasing taxes, wealth redistributuion, highest spending per capita in the nation=not conservative

oh yeah, I forgot shes a member of the AIP and supports jury nullification...oh and lets not forget Iraq...


New Member
NeoCon = Reconstituted old liberal in faux new clothing. Or more accurately, an old liberal who strives for marxist/fascist domestic policies, while at the same time, promotes foreign entanglements. There is NOTHING conservative about these people.

Ron Paul is a conservative. Sarah Palin is a conservative. I am a conservative.


That's a dead on assessment. Bush is NOT a conservative.



New Member
He is a conundrum, that's what he is.
He does not represent conservative values as it is reported. That's just a convenient smear. Two birds, one stone. Bravo!!

He ran on a platform and then didn't follow through. Sound familiar?



Active Member
Rebuilding America's Defenses, September 2000, Project for a New American Century
Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush and the rest of the neo-conservatives

... While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein ...
... the process of [military] transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor ...
... advanced forms of biological warfare that can "target" specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.

Gotta love those neocons...


New Member
Bush is basically a good person who was unqualified for the job. Unqualified because, unlike Reagan, he has no real conservative principles. Bush was easy pickings for the NeoCons to manipulate and to maneuver. Believe me ... these people are hanging all over Sarah Palin right now like a cheap suit. I hope, if elected, she and her husband Todd have the strength to resist these traitors.



Well-Known Member
NeoCon = Reconstituted old liberal in faux new clothing. Or more accurately, an old liberal who strives for marxist/fascist domestic policies, while at the same time, promotes foreign entanglements. There is NOTHING conservative about these people.

Ron Paul is a conservative. Sarah Palin is a conservative. I am a conservative.

Ron Paul, yes. Palin is a different bread, a Christian "Conservative" A.K.A. American Taliban. They are all about personal freedom, till you piss of jesus. That means mandatory minimums for those evil "dope" smokers, tearing down of the wall of separation of church and state and never ending war with those who have other worldviews.


Well-Known Member
Bush is basically a good person who was unqualified for the job. Unqualified because, unlike Reagan, he has no real conservative principles. Bush was easy pickings for the NeoCons to manipulate and to maneuver. Believe me ... these people are hanging all over Sarah Palin right now like a cheap suit. I hope, if elected, she and her husband Todd have the strength to resist these traitors.

Bush is a good person, he actually reminds me a lot of my father. I love my dad and he is great at running a small business but would be horrible at running the country. Reagan preached small government out of one side of this mouth and then ran up the largest debt ever (at that time), how is that Conservative? Also he backed terrorist in central America just because he didn't like their enemy. How about his stance on pot? Palin thinks Iraq was a mission from God, she is playing right into their agenda....