Aussie Growers Thread

Flushing ya pockets is pretty interesting;);)
Everyones got there things they follow.. Ive just been round it that long its like nature to me.. Lol i rekon ive done more form reading that what i did throughout school...:hump::hump: One of many hobbies its good shit getting on it and hitting the races good weather good woman good timezzz
I used to keep up with what's the latest in pc tech. Now I couldn't care less if VR goes to shit. Or takes another couple steps to become the next big thing in porn.

Outside my temporary job. I don't do shit with my time. If I'm not half arsing it through job searching. I'm either watching Archer/YouTube vids. Or I'm pissfarting about with my cabinet.
these buggers took nearly 2 weeks to pop and have been crawling along but last 24 hours theyre finally getting their shit together. I had my light too close and gave the top one a bit of sunburn but raised it about 10-15 cm and they're all good now. top one came up noticeably darker so possibly more af leaning but we'll see. Dunno if I'll keep any males this go around (but I might if I like the look of these as they grow a bit). Afghan x haze regs
Last weekend dude u had dramas so u harvested early or are you telling us porky pies lol
ye i remember now i was still in bed b4hadent even gotten up 2 piss some one in my family had a eptopic pregnencey and my dog died still pretty cut cuse i never got told about the dog heard only found out cuse my mum told my thereapist and i was tjere soo tjat fuken pisseed me off all ov a sudden to have that bomb dropped esspecielly when for tje 3rdd time she laugned in my face when i said weed is the only thing tjat helped im fine with beaing dissagreed with but to laugh in my face pluss the 1st session with her i couldent sleep for 8 days think i maneged 2 get an hour in a day but yea had a lot of shit in my mind
im not gunna uploed any pics today maybe in acouple i want there 2 be actuel progress doasent seem 2 be drinking alot iv been phing at 5.8 should i have this set difrent considering i may have a p def or somthing looks fine 2 me tho hasent hermid leaves are a bit droopy but i think its still bouncing back so e buds up high are tk close to the light so theres a bit of bleaching and some buds are growing past it im thinking of setting up my other cheap chinese bluerple its a 1000 watt ecuivelent but j could put it higher up so the buds that arnt getting mutch light would be getting more but then i think iv only got one timer so i might have 2 fuck around with the poer bourds n stuff i dont want the ventalation off at night 2 well thats so thing 2 do today