Aussie Growers Thread

The best way I found was using one of those food dehydrators that have the racks that stack up
in my teens if we ever bought anything that wasnt dried properly we'd head down to quix (those places at the servo where you get those cancerous hotdogs), wrap it in a bit of bog roll and run it through their microwaves in 10 second bursts til it was smokable. The lads who worked there were all choofers so they just had a laugh about it. it only got dodgy when a cop car would pull up mid shift to buy something to eat and you'd have to walk out past them leaving a stinking microwave behind you. funny shit in hindsight
fair enough problems or not tho im sick of being treated like a shit cunt him owing money or not he said what he said plus when i came up short i gave him a 10 pack iv given him 2 ten packs since i owed him cuse i felt bad like he wants me to get seeds for him im putting my sepf at risk doing that wont be now tho like im sorry lipuke i got nothen but respect for ya but he shouod ov planed better if he was gunna let me pay him 150 at a time and still let me tick up that unheard of for me but i know 2 dealers tje otjer blokes weed i keept getting sick and this blokes weed fuken sucks but its my foult tho im dumb enough to keep putting myself in tjese situations iv only got my self to blame ill probly wait till 2 morro when iv calmed down may e if i go about it the right way it wont come 2 a fight i just wanna tell him it was shit withiut being a dick about it pluss the wwed he sells me tjat was bought most of it was all crubbked up like shake but it waiged up so idk i in a reall dick head of a mood n i need 2 pull jmyself out of it cuse 99 percent of this shit probly wouodent of happend if i made better choices only have my self 2 blame no point n fighint tje cunt cuse its not gunna sokve any thing vs me letting him noe i a little upset abput the times hes sold me mouldy weed idk ill probly not even say shit just pay him if im gunna be short ill tell him n tryna avoid drama and move on with my life

all you can do if someone consistently gets shit weed is find another dealer. unless they're connected (this guy sounds like a bit of a bottom feeder so probably isnt) they'll often be paying a fixed price for P's whether its crap or not and they need to pay someone too. sucks but thats how it is – your average dealer isnt in it to be a good service provider
just mad at myself more then anything i should no better by now but i still get my self into tjere stupid situations
We all need to vent now and again mate.

But you have to live within ya means. Don't owe money to no cunt. Its never worth it. I've slept in parks before due to no money so I feel for ya. Ive had people come find me and demand money that I owed for pot (and not in a nice way..). Ive kicked in a front door and taken a TV cause of some guy who owed me money for pot.

We all have our stories. I recon the number one thing that we would all agree on is- Don't get drugs on tick.
all you can do if someone consistently gets shit weed is find another dealer. unless they're connected (this guy sounds like a bit of a bottom feeder so probably isnt) they'll often be paying a fixed price for P's whether its crap or not and they need to pay someone too. sucks but thats how it is – your average dealer isnt in it to be a good service provider
ye with his growing i think hes to concerned about yield and theress still al he ddont no iv been learning about growing for like 5 years now and i dont no shit lol but i thing hes not even a dealer tbh i think it just benifets him or makes it cheaper for him sort of thing idk ever since if known him hes sold weed but im sure its buying an oz and selli g grams or somthing but this was highschool days now i wouldent no what he buys unless hes buying an oz or some how him selling to me is working to hes advantage or some shit idk its not worth the drama but my mrother in law who is from mac fields he defenetly aint a mug and tbh has never been wrong about shit like this has said hes a shit cunt but the problem is when i eas 17 i did somthing stupid witch got chaled up to weed thay no it wasent tjat now but ye thay no fucken every body like im known as so and sos little brother lol so no one will sell 2 me exept one dude thats cuse i have permission i like hi he was cool but it was hay smelli g stuff n i wannt good weed tjat has a smeel n a taste biput getti g off him i got tjat cannabus hyperamisis or some shit so i dont no what cused those symptoms
i understand what youre saying for me just being able 2 smoke some weed in tharvo slash night b4 bed id be happy with but being bored n shit i love being high n listning 2 music n shit but ye i dont think weed would work best for me 24 7 id be happy doing it b4 bed or somthing specielly once i get this job i wont be smoking b4 work or nothing
I just like earning my honest days wage then coming home having a choof then repeat next day.
Saturday I hit it hard and socialise then it' back to the grind Mondays..repeat
We all need to vent now and again mate.

But you have to live within ya means. Don't owe money to no cunt. Its never worth it. I've slept in parks before due to no money so I feel for ya. Ive had people come find me and demand money that I owed for pot (and not in a nice way..). Ive kicked in a front door and taken a TV cause of some guy who owed me money for pot.

We all have our stories. I recon the number one thing that we would all agree on is- Don't get drugs on tick.
i agree 100 percent its like i get how i get and it sucks sitten tjere stressing but im 26 now i dont wanna be one of those mugs sitten around allways talking about how im gunna get on i got alot of manning up 2 do but ye thrie the place im going to therepy thay got me onto this thing its like i can get free lessons i could walk i n get my ps tomorro if i wanted but sydney roeds are fucked and i actuelly wanna learn how 2 drive properly i just gootaa hold my self accountable for my fuck ups
I just like earning my honest days wage then coming home having a choof then repeat next day.
Saturday I hit it hard and socialise then it' back to the grind Mondays..repeat
i could do this carpet cleaning gig like i could really work hard at it vs working i construction pluss mainley all i want tjat i wanna spend money on is weed come home smoke a bowl n chill go n have a few beers of a weekend it wouod be nice 2 have abit ov money saved and no i can go and do somthing and im not brome afterwards
[QUOTE="giglewigle, post: 14127760, member: 948519" thay got me onto this thing its like i can get free lessons i could walk i n get my ps tomorro if i wanted [/QUOTE]
umm...What you making excuses for? Go do and get.....
im not making excuses all im waiting on is the appointment next week to hand it in tjen i take it from there sydey roeds are fuked if some shit happens and i panic im probly gunna do tje wrong thing hence i wanna a few mour hors then needed
realisticallyuse think no madder what every one should do tje 150 hours how many hours on ave use rekon before some one should be able 2 get behinfd the weel
I had a blue with a “Nom” after he was big noting and making a real cunt of himself throwing around threats and shit,ended up braking his jaw,nose and 2 ribs next day had a visit from the sgt at arms from the club and he wanted to know what the go was long story short the guy never received a patch but he did receive another flogging lol
I had a nom get a flogging cos he was threatening me with a dude already in the club but he didnt know that dude respected me ...never use someones name as a threat unless you know both parties.
And even then I'm not the sort of person to use names to threaten...