HELP! I think my weed may be laced with GLASS

Right I'm just trying to figure out even if it is glass dust in what way would you be vaporizing it off? No way your lighter eould burn hot enough to do that. I mean are you shaking the nugs around in a tupperware and inhaling the dust? Would it even make a dust? Is this really even a problem you should be concerned about outside of being shafted on weight? Screw all that noise. Load a bong rip and pass on that dealer next time.
Read shit that says grit weed is fucking awful for your lungs bro
What do you mean?
keep it under 982 degrees Celsius, for you Yerpeens

Forget all these jokesters Harry.

Here's what you do.

Take one of the nugs and vigorously rub it up and down on the shaft of your incredibly tiny penis. If it starts bleeding, you've got glass on your nugs. And now on your nuts. But don't worry, the human penis heals quickly.

If it doesn't bleed, you're all set, go ahead and shmoke dat cheeba.

I'm tellin ya, this works 100% of the time.