Let's be objective here okay?
First, in the long run, you are not helping the "church" by diluting the message. Careful what you wish for. Have you seen what goes on in Publik Skools today? It's a perfect place to have your message mauled and transformed into something you won't recognize.
Second, why is creationism the thing to teach as opposed to "others"? Be honest.
Third, why is it important to you that other people follow your faith? Faith is personal. You should want to keep it that way.
Fourth, if churches wish to teach creationism in schools, then they should lose their tax exempt status. The church has already decided for OBVIOUS reasons not to go there. G*D needs money by the way. Lots of it presumably.
Fifth and final because I'm stoned, It doesn't measure up to evolution in any way whatsoever. It's like trying to teach home economics to an actual economics class.
Oh yah, because "Cream" is 100% correct.