54 years since the civil rights act and we have a resurgent white supremacist movement

. The very fact that this thread exists and the crap said here represents a set-back. After 54 years, we are losing ground, not gaining. Not saying I know the answer but I'm not giving another inch. We have one regular poster here who says that if we stop talking about racism part of the problem will be solved. For myself, I don't think we can talk through this issue and come to a resolution. Nor do I think that racism will just go away if we avoid the subject. I think that the answer lies in kids growing up informed and not ignorant. I think a lot of racists will carry their affliction to the grave. So it's going to take time but we have to confront the worst of racist speech and behavior while letting others know the shit they spew out of ignorance or hate is not OK.
What really bothers me is that white people act as though white racism is the problem of black people. It certainly causes problems in the lives of black people but the problem and fault lies with as you say, ignorance and I'll go a step farther to say ignorant or hateful whites. You can probably guess that I'm pink-white with little blue veins in my arms.
Outdoor grower in Oregon. Just two seasons and I must say it's called a weed for good reason. I've a 20 year old organic no-till garden and my first grow, a legal four, using a strain adapted to our climate (Mastodon) produced about 60 years worth of weed at my current rate of consumption. Probably not top shelf but my cost was about 50 bucks in seed, a few dollars in soil amendment and yielded about 7 pounds of stuff that is one hit and done for my lightweight self. I did a med grow using autoflower last year as an experiment. Not so good. Not sure if I'm growing this year because I like what I have (so do my friends who I've gifted literally pounds to) and still have plenty in the form of coco-oil and cured weed. It's a real gift of nature that weed is.