Gnats flying around my box


Well-Known Member
Ive been in flower now for 37 days. I'm in happy frog soil, temp is around 70-80 and RH is between 35-50% i water every 3-5 days the strain is super glue(afghani×northernlights) i don't have anything to check PH, but the other day i watered a little sooner than usual. I left and came home, opened the box and had a strong mildew funky smell. The gnats didnt appear until a couple days after and it's only been a couple here and there. I let the soil dry pretty good then flushed with hydro peroxide to get rid of any larvae if any. I used the old potato slice trick, left them for 12 hours and found nothing on the slices. Is it my weed that smells funky? The soil does smell like earth and dirt but not old laundry. Root rot?


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There fungus gnats Nothing to worry about they came in your soul, they come in most soil. There the most harmless pest you could have. Get some YELLOW sticky traps put them around the base of the plants and that's that. It's your weed starting to put off intense smells around this time.
There fungus gnats Nothing to worry about they came in your soul, they come in most soil. There the most harmless pest you could have. Get some YELLOW sticky traps put them around the base of the plants and that's that. It's your weed starting to put off intense smells around this time.
I read somewhere if you are new to growing weed the smells a plant puts off during flowering can confuse the novice grower to thinking he has a kind of root rot or mildew. But i know they are common in soil, i just wanna make sure i don't have a problem, or these little fuckers cause a problem. I've put a sticky ribbon in the box and has only caught 3. But like i said it's not many i see and it's only so often.
No Sticky trap.
Create a trap by mixing apple cider vinegar with a few drops of dish soap in a small bowl.
Yeah I've read that as well. Actually did that when i had a bad gnat problem around my sink last summer. It's not a army of them just a couple here and there. I just wanna make sure they didnt cause any problems further into the soil.
Yeah I've read that as well. Actually did that when i had a bad gnat problem around my sink last summer. It's not a army of them just a couple here and there. I just wanna make sure they didnt cause any problems further into the soil.
Mostly harmless pest
You are fine don't worry about it. Stop flushing hydrogen peroxide your killing the microbes....
Alright ill take these kind words into consideration and leave her be to do her thing. No more hydrogen peroxide ill keep up with the nutes. Thanks y'all
If there are only a few letting your soil get good and dry between waterings will kill them off in a couple weeks
I have been giving it an extra day or two when i usually water. I try not to keep a watering schedule. Just go off when the pot is light and top soil is dry. Haven't seen any more or any less of the suckers .
Just buy some of those sticky coiled-up fly strips that you unfurl via a pull string. Hang them down next to your lights and in a day it will be standing room only on them. For me, that got rid of every last one in a day.
Just buy some of those sticky coiled-up fly strips that you unfurl via a pull string. Hang them down next to your lights and in a day it will be standing room only on them. For me, that got rid of every last one in a day.
That's exactly what I'm using and it hasn't got any. But as i mentioned i haven't seen anymore than 7 and all which i squished.
First was the musty smell after overwatering
Second was the gnats
Third some yellowing of fan leaves
How they happened in that order just has me concerned.
Here's a couple more photos of leaves. I just took these20180314_170042.jpg 20180314_165840.jpg 20180314_170042.jpg 20180314_165840.jpg


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One other question(I'm full of them) but i have some roots coming out the bottom of my radicle bags, and they look kinda dried up and discolored. Is because they're so far out of the bag? About a half inch poking out the bottom, maybe 8 in total.


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One other question(I'm full of them) but i have some roots coming out the bottom of my radicle bags, and they look kinda dried up and discolored. Is because they're so far out of the bag? About a half inch poking out the bottom, maybe 8 in total.
Nothing to worry about.
I only

I only flushed once with hydro pero at literally 10 drops a gallon. Think it called off all them? And recommend anything to re ammend?
My guess is yes. That is probably why you have some yellowing. The microbes are what feed your plants. Fertilizer feeds the soil microbes microbes feed the plant. There are hundreds of microbe products. I like photosynthesis plus and mammoth