Lots of Durban lovers I see or their variants. Never liked Durban, old time guy of mine always had that and old school white and ak back in day day, never got durban again, found the high too heady and not even that strong for a sativa, In fact Ill take good old jamaican shoe weed for sativa for it, the taste was not something my paladar wanted to just swallow the whole blunt like a good tasting strain does, and the buds were not very impressive when it comes to bud pr0n aspect. Whenver I saw him just bought the white and ak and trust me his stash of those 2 were gone before the durban
PS: Yes my fav strain is classic AK, nothing has surpassed it, maybe Kush and GDP but they lean towards indica more, and for indicas I still like Chronic.
Intrested in new strains like LA confidential and Black Russain from what I heard