3 weeks 12-12


Well-Known Member
Well yes because it had to take a week or two to trigger flowering. So thats probably 1-2 weeks of flower growth. Its pretty good.


Well-Known Member
I'd just try and pick em all off. Each day, go see if any are on it and pick em off. That will help. Its better than spraying the plant and probably having buds that taste like whatever it was that you sprayed on em.


Well-Known Member
um..... im not having bug problems..... so what im i picking off and whats going to eat my plants ? other then me !


Well-Known Member
Well you only have 2 other choices.

1. Let them eat your plants.

2. Spray a soap solution (one tbl spoon of Dawn soap mixed in a gallon of water) on the plants and run the high risk of having buds that taste a bit like soap.
lol I think you are replying to a different thread ... lol He isnt having bug problems he is haveing light questions an 3 weeks flowering questions.