Medijuana does it contain any Herijuana?


Does the strain Medijuana contain ANY Herijuana as far as any of you growers and breeders out there, what’s the typical thought on this strain?

Thank you kindly for any and all info given and provided by you guys and gals!!!
Thank you I’d read it was thought to be of OG kush origins, just wondered if maybe the someone here might have known, since they say to breeder secrecy, which idk seems like it could be apart of the unknown variety and I’m basing that solely on the name, I was hoping maybe someone who’s grown it and might have an idea or theory on the secretive part, if you follow me!?!?!
Where is the best place to source some herijuana in beans preferably, wood horse or mota’s?

You should have asked a couple of years ago....I was begging to give them away and finally did.

Sannies still sells it. Woodhorse's site was and maybe still is
Heri will lay you down for the count..!! I'm more of a satti guy but once in a while ... not much on taste unless u get get a tasty cross of it..
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You should have asked a couple of years ago....I was begging to give them away and finally did.

Sannies still sells it. Woodhorse's site was and maybe still is
Why were you getting rid of it if you don’t mind the questioning? Did it herm, which is better the ibl hence Mota’s/Sannie’s or the original by Woodhorse?
Why were you getting rid of it if you don’t mind the questioning? Did it herm, which is better the ibl hence Mota’s/Sannie’s or the original by Woodhorse?

Both sannies and woodhorse versions sucked - poor taste and smell, mid potency, as did the crosses. Ronny James Dio was probably the best, and I'd never run it again.
Mota heri is the real deal. It’s the original woodhorse heri.

Sannies is over bred into a completely different indica based plant. Real heri is more sativa.

And it’s named after Jack Herrer. Not a shitty drug.
Both sannies and woodhorse versions sucked - poor taste and smell, mid potency, as did the crosses. Ronny James Dio was probably the best, and I'd never run it again.
What is Ronny James Dio? That’s a shame, as the herijuana I’ve had, was absolutely stellar, I use it for medicine, especially HerijuanaOG(herijuana x WiFi)
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Mota heri is the real deal. It’s the original woodhorse heri.

Sannies is over bred into a completely different indica based plant. Real heri is more sativa.

And it’s named after Jack Herrer. Not a shitty drug.
So I thought it was already ibl by Mota what did Sannie do, any where to get those Mota beans as the herijuana I had I believe to be motas, but wouldn’t woodhorses non ibl be better?
Here's a wee "Heir o' The Dog" which is The Dog x Herijauna :)