Micro Closet growbox under contruction


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the scale I'm growing at, I think 1 150w hps and 2 for flowering should be just fine. I will probably flower 2 plants, maybe 3 if they are manageable enough, with hopefully some room for clones. I guess I won't really know its limitations until I actually start it up. My mom is going to be gone next week, so I'll have a lot of free time to finish it and paint and acquire some hardware. Wouldn't hurt to start on my grow system either. Was going to go fog, but after reading that fog alone wasn't enough, I am forced to reconsider. What to you experienced folk prefer as far as aero or hydro? I was thinking DWC, since it seems so simple and easy. Wouldn't require pumps and timers and whatsuch like ebb/flow.
Let me know what you guys think.

If this is your first time, go with soil. make your mistakes with a soil grow and decide as you learn what you want to do long-term.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice pacman, but it's a little late haha. I totally plan on going 150w hps with a homemade cooltube now. After looking at the facts, it is the obvious best choice for me.
I know soil is the easiest option for me, but I think I can keep it locked down pretty good. I have been researching for a long, long time before even putting screwdriver to wood so to speak. With some keen oversight, and the vast knowledge of this site I am confident that I can handle a hydro grow, if I keep it simple.

Micro- I am pretty set on hydro, but a friend of mine, (whose opinion I take with a grain of salt...) told me the people he talked to said DWC wasn't very good. This doesn't make sense to me, since I have seen LOTS of grows on here using DWC, so common sense tells me that it works.

What are you guys using?


Well-Known Member
please dont tell me you are going to do that in a hotel ...... lol :lol:

The doc just told me I'm stuck here for another 8 weeks... I smell another harvest of Best Western's Finest...

I will not stagger them, but I may do 4 trays... if I feel I can finish them...

Yeah, the scale I'm growing at, I think 1 150w hps and 2 for flowering should be just fine.

I was thinking DWC, since it seems so simple and easy. pumps and timers and whatsuch like ebb/flow.
Let me know what you guys think.

Toast, at the risk of sounding like a stalker or an imposer of wills...

Vegg with 2 foot long 4 bulb T-5 fluorescent...

Flower with a 400 Watt HPS in a BIG cool tube with a BIG ASS FAN in a muffle box...

Think of it as a stealth box on steroids...

go hydro if you have some mean patience and time.
If this is your first time, go with soil. make your mistakes with a soil grow and decide as you learn what you want to do long-term.
I chose DWC for my first grow, and will keep using this method, as I found that it is very easy and straight forward...

Monitor temperature, Ph and PPM, which you should still know with soil, and it is smooth sailing, unless you introduce pests...

Also, use non-organic nutes, so you can apply H2O2 for pathogen control without starting a war in your res....

Exactly what I went through. to the LETTER! Do yourself a HUGE favor, you are going to spend the same amount of money for WAY easier to use, efficient light if you get an HPS. HTG Supply has a 150HPS starter kit for like 69 bucks! Literally plug an play! Look at their eBay stuff, too. Always good prices.

Bottom line, most of us were where you are now, thinking "I'll just start with CFL's and if I like it/have the money/decide to upgrade I'll get an HPS..." And we all did, and we all upgraded. Some of us two or ten times! But the only reason we are taking the time to share this is to try to save you some time and cash. Of course the only way you'll ever KNOW the difference between the two is to try them both, so I encourage you to do what you think is best. Cheers!
What can I say...


... other than get a bigger one than you think you need, so you upgrade 2 times and not 10...

hell yeah toasty, lookin nice bro. SUBSCRIBED. +rep too ;)
Got that right... lol

How's been K1NG...?

Well, peace out everyone...

I'll be around...



Active Member
yea hows ventilation going 2 work? cos my mate wants 2 do a similar set up bt its kinda high key running silver ducting from th box 2 th window..


Well-Known Member
well the wall of the closet that is in back of the box goes straight to my side yard, so I'm considering putting a vent through the wall, from outside it would look like any other vent looking crap on the house. or I'll just vent into the closet, and use a carbon scrubber or two to handle smell later, maybe keep the other closet door open at night to keep good airflow in there.

This is an issue I've been wondering myself, and obviously ventilating into the closet rather than through a wall outside is way more practical, and I think if I keep good air circulating through the closet and my room I won't need to go through a wall.

edit* if you meant specifically I can diagram you something up or go into more detail, but I'm assuming you know how ventilation works.


Well-Known Member
I suppose you could camouflage the ducts somehow...

But you could also build light traps in the bottom for the intake and the high back/side for exhaust...

Look around... there are quite a few examples...

Cheers ..



Well-Known Member
Hey Toast...

Don't mean to probe, and don't really want to know...

But if you are in cold country, vent inside for extra heat in your room... turn the heater down a notch???? maybe..?

And if in hot country, feed the intake from the AC...

and if your in temperate... you should be ok controlling temps...

Just a thought...



Well-Known Member
Thanks gypsy, noted! I might try getting the supplies for my DWC set up today, I'll be sure to get some pics up for you guys. Maybe a step by step if anyone is interested, i know there are already a ton of DWC tuts on here.



Well-Known Member
Thanks gypsy, noted! I might try getting the supplies for my DWC set up today, I'll be sure to get some pics up for you guys. Maybe a step by step if anyone is interested, i know there are already a ton of DWC tuts on here.

But each tut is different.

I personally love seeing what people make and do.

It'll get added to the GrowFAQ at some point dude. ;)


Well-Known Member
Haha sold! Alright, my mom is driving me crazy, so that will be inspiration to get my ass out of the house and to the store. Expect pics tonight or tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Haha sold! Alright, my mom is driving me crazy, so that will be inspiration to get my ass out of the house and to the store. Expect pics tonight or tomorrow!

This thread will be a brilliant Inspiration for Newbie/micro growers.

Make sure you write the tut up good ;)



Well-Known Member
Alright guys, here's a little update.

Bought an air pump, splitter, 2 stones, air line, flat white paint, container, pots.
I have no idea why... but NOWHERE around here has net pots. Nowhere. So I got some normal plastic pots, gonna cut slit sections out, bing bang boom, whats the difference.
I promised you guys an update a day ago, but now I have all the stuff, so hang in there.




Well-Known Member
Ah the weekend was fun...

So you got some supplies... good good ...

We'll, I can't wait to see what you come up with ....




Active Member
Yo man, we got some similar treats going down, im jealous you were brave enough to start out with a hydro setup,

What is the size of the room that your box is in? My closet is about 13'x4'x9' and just the 8 cfls i got is making the whole room burn up to 90degrees if i leave the door closed. If you can get away with the vent out the side of the house I would forsure be ready to do it.


Well-Known Member
if you're gonna stick with growing, why upgrade ten times???

if you're gonna be a grower, buy the freaking tools of the job...

Most serious growers will agree that you need at least 400 watts to start getting some efficient gram/watt ratio...

Wanna save money???? increase your gram/watt ratio...that is the only way to make it cheaper...more buds for the power you burn...

To increase your ratio as I mentioned, you will end up with at least a 400 watt HPS...

Why buy 278 CFLs, a 70 w HPS, a 150 w HPS, a 250 w HPS and then go...

Man!!! I should have just bought the damn thing in the first place!!!!

Save your money, buy the right tool....

your room 13 FEET by 4 FEET by 9 FEET tall???

Man you need a couple of 600 watt HPS on cool tubes and some kick ass fans...

That would give you the cheapest bud you can produce....

More grams of bud per watt burned... that is cheaper...

less money invested but less than 1/4 of the gram/watt ratio, is not cheap buds... in fact, if you do the math, it's probably very pricey bud...

My 2 cents...

I'll go away now... lol...



Active Member
if you're gonna stick with growing, why upgrade ten times???

if you're gonna be a grower, buy the freaking tools of the job...

Most serious growers will agree that you need at least 400 watts to start getting some efficient gram/watt ratio...

Wanna save money???? increase your gram/watt ratio...that is the only way to make it cheaper...more buds for the power you burn...

To increase your ratio as I mentioned, you will end up with at least a 400 watt HPS...

Why buy 278 CFLs, a 70 w HPS, a 150 w HPS, a 250 w HPS and then go...

Man!!! I should have just bought the damn thing in the first place!!!!

Save your money, buy the right tool....

your room 13 FEET by 4 FEET by 9 FEET tall???

Man you need a couple of 600 watt HPS on cool tubes and some kick ass fans...

That would give you the cheapest bud you can produce....

More grams of bud per watt burned... that is cheaper...

less money invested but less than 1/4 of the gram/watt ratio, is not cheap buds... in fact, if you do the math, it's probably very pricey bud...

My 2 cents...

I'll go away now... lol...

haha na broham thoes specs are the size of the closet that my dressor is in I wish i could grow out the whole close lol. Check out the pics in my *new* journel to see what im dealing with.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys I need some advice. On the positives, I finished the box, and bought a pump, airstone, line, etc, but I realized that I should make sure there isn't a specific size container that I should get for a rez, specifically if the one I got is too small. It's only about 6 inches tall or so, because I got something small for my small area. I thought 2 plants would work well in it, but is that enough room for all them roots?
I'll try to get some pics up soon.