Is it possible to clone a flowering plant


Well-Known Member
just wondering if theres any way i can get more out of my baby
How far into flowering is she? If it's relatively early on, then you can take some cuttings and put them under 24H and go for it. They may stress out for a while but eventually they should start vegging normal. If it's late into flowering, then you can try some things, but I have not tried them for myself so I can't say for sure if it works good. One method is to leave some branches on it after you harvest and put it back to 18/6 or whatever your preferred vegging light cycle is. It will stress like hell and put out wierd shaped leaves but eventually start vegging. You could also take a really low branch or 2 in late flowering and try to make a cutting out of it. If you select a branch that has very little flowering on it then you might get it to veg as a cutting-I'm just not sure tho...


Well-Known Member
There have been two consistent problems I've run into with cloning during flowering. The first problem is just a waiting game--they take longer to root in general. The second one was more difficult to handle and I haven't pulled on through once it started--if the bud/pistils aren't cleaned off well they tend to rot with the humidity. If I clean off ALL the "bud tissues" and just leave stem and leaf, I don't have that problem.

The 24 hour light thing works great for me because I just turn it on and leave it.


Active Member
I took a clone from a female that i sexed for a week. I put it back in 24 after it showed fem. I then took a clone a week later. Now the clone has roots and is growing and still has pestils that have not turned yellow. Weird to see.


Well-Known Member
what did you put the clones in?
what did you water them with
what did you spray them with
how often?


Well-Known Member
The first time... I made tiny pots of soil out of toilet paper tubes I'd cut in half and set in a row in a plastic food container. No shit. I lost a few, but a lot took root. The second time I used peat pots set in a plastic food container with soil in it. The third time I used peat pots in a seedling tray that has a humidity dome.

I mist with a spray bottle, just the water out of my tap. We're on a well. Used that same water to keep the plugs moist. Not wet, moist.

They transpire through the leaves. This is one reason why we trim the leaves, to reduce transpiration demands and encourage energy put towards root growth. So, I misted several times a day.

You might want to look up Subcool's cloning method, or do a search on cloning techniques. There is a LOT of information out there, but it's not compiled into a single forum.


Well-Known Member
And thank you for not busting on my for the toilet paper roll thing. :lol: I just can't believe it fucking worked.


Active Member
I have taken a few clones from those in bloom. I feel it takes longer to root but most have took. My skunk did not though.


Well-Known Member
ive heard they take alot longer how much longer???
I asked this same question last month and got a lot of diffrent answers. I read in a book that you could clone while in flower. So I wanted to see what the experts said!! If you take your clone within the first 2 weeks of flower you should be ok. I fucked up and overwatered my rockwool cubes so I lost 2 clones .I was about to toss all of them but noticed that the roots had started to develope on 2. So I translanted them to a soiless mix and they are alive and well.

It does take longer to root for some reason. 3-4 weeks is not uncommon from what I hear.