and this is why i don't think aliens are ever going to come here....number one, we live in bumfuque, unless the aliens want to go antiquing, they have no fucking possible reason to come here. anything we posses, is available closer, and in a larger scale. we are nothing, and have nothing, on a galactic scale.
Why would they come here?!
Why not?
Why did humans travel out of Africa and start to inhabit the whole globe? Why did men make ships and sail to far off places risking their lives?
Do you believe that humans are the only beings inclined to explore? No
Just because our planet may have "nothing" (in your opinion) that the aliens want to investigate, doesn't mean they wont want to explore our region of space. If the aliens are capable of galactic or even intergalactic exploration then we would have no freaking idea what technology they would use or are capable of. You guys have to open your minds a bit more. Stop thinking of Hollywood and start realizing that we may not even understand what they look like and how they travel. They can have a million years or more on us tech wise. The freaking universe is "supposedly" 13.6 billion years old. How long have we been around? We are infants.
Think about what people did thousands of years ago. They tried to draw what they saw in the skies. They didn't understand what they were seeing so they drew their pictures as "understandable" (at that time) explanations. Those weren't fucking dreams. They weren't high on dope and thought the shapes of the clouds were funny. They tried to explain, by drawing people on magic carpets or chariots, what they were actually seeing so their communities would be able to understand what their pictures were saying. Then "religion" comes into play because the things they saw were so freaking amazing that they couldn't understand it. So they called it GOD and worshiped it.
It's the same thing when people drew "angels" with halo's and wings. You actually believe that shit? That is how they "explained" what they saw. Just like we try to explain the things we see today. Our tech is way more advanced today but we always have an excuse for shit we don't understand or can't explain. So they call them angels or demons and forced this shit down peoples throats for millennia. Not only forced but beaten and tortured to death if you didn't follow it.
How do you unlearn something that may have been wrong for thousands of years. Beaten, tortured, murdered and force fed so much crap for so long your brain finally says "fuck it", it must be all true. If you all want to believe in religion that's fine with me. You can believe all the stories you like and I wont bash anyone for it. But my ship has sailed way beyond religion now. I don't believe in any of it at all. I asked myself a thousand times over if there is a creator in all of this madness. I keep coming up with the same answer..........that something made all of this. This shit didn't just pop up out of nowhere. The thing is this, the question has to end at some point.
For example, if we were made by a billion year old civilization and they created the universe....................then who made them? Did another civilization create them? and so on and so on etc etc etc.. The answer has to finally end at some point. At some point, in some where and when, something became self aware of its own presence and started all this shit we see.
Open your fucking minds and unlearn what you have learned. Think big, way big, and out of the box. You just might start to see things in a whole different light.
Yes, I am stoned at the moment, but I have felt this way my whole life and I will never stop trying to learn more