Noob Grower using AeroGarden Custom Setup


Well-Known Member
I guess at 12" long each, you would only be able to fit one in there...

So you would have to get one for each... this is getting spendy...

What is the diameter of the widest part of the bulb? I imagine it's the ballast... how big around?

You know... you could get an HPS in the cool tube w/ a cage fan and have no more light or heat issues... like a 250...

Check this out...

For just over 200 USD you could have it with the 8 inch cool tube...


Just a thought...



Well-Known Member
hi mate
from what i can remember they are 4 to 5" wide. ballast and bulb are same width pretty much. yeah if i had more knowledge and confidence at the start i would have done a total diy with hps and grow tent, in hindsight. from the grow shop a 250watt cool tube kit is £110 but i would still to buy the extractor etc.


Well-Known Member
A cage fan would be best...

I will be coupling the 600 HPS that is in the mail with a 265 true cfm (not an in-line booster)squirrel cage fan...

I am expecting to have about the same heat as my current set up...

I know it's money... but it will come back to you... the right tools for the job will always pay for themselves in no time at all....

If you are going to keep on growing, I would even venture to say you should get a bigger one than you need now, because you will want more

I wanted a 400... and got a 600...

I am not growing much, but I do want it to be the best I can make it...

Best of luck Mate... and sorry for putting all theses "bugs" in you



Well-Known Member
hey man no worries, i know you speak the truth from experience. i have exactly the same thoughts re upping the lighting etc. i'll go to flower and then adapt. i plan on flowering this weekend. probably start sunday/monday. still trying to work out the best time to have the dark cycle. at the mo i have no job so it's not an issue but i need to start looking for one. not sure how thats gonna work out with all this shit going on with the financial markets. i did do IT for investment banks but had a 6 month break and now it's all going to shit.


Well-Known Member
i was just moving the ag hood from the back of the tent to the front and was balancing it into position when it fell and snapped off a big side branch from chives :fire:.
any hows i want to get some clip on light mounts that will take cfls but i'm having trouble finding suitable ones. if you guys in the us know of any makes let me know please and then i can check if i can get them in the uk. preferably i would like a fitting that will attach with the cfl in a vertical position. i have also been looking at t5 fittings but again i haven't seen any that are suitable. any help will be much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
i did go for that after an hour of it happening. i decided to make a couple of clones from it and was ready to stick them in the ag, even tho i'm gonna start the flower light cycle tomorrow but when i tried to do it there was no space in the ag and i have no other options... or do i... i have just had an idea. watch this space. cheers nirvana for getting the grey cells tingling.


Well-Known Member
well they look super droopy but here's a pic. i pulled the ag unit out earlier today and just have the res in my tent. so now i have that little lunchbox tub under the ag hood. any advice on pruning those clones for best rooting is much needed.



Well-Known Member
well i've chopped the big fan leaves off, added an air pump and stone and a black bag round the clear tub.


Zen Style... lol... wonder what he's up to... ... ...

Anyway, welcome to AeroCloning Steve....!!!!




Well-Known Member
cheers man
yeah it's shame we've not heard from wolfman lately. not sure what i'm gonna do with the clones if they take. i'll have to veg them for 8 weeks i guess.

my flat is humming nicely but i think i'm getting to use to the smell so can't tell how bad it's getting. i closed up the tent for an hour and the temp hit 30c+, when i opened it the smell was overpowering (i loved it but i bet the neighbours wouldn't be to impressed). i've got a plug-in air freshener in my hallway at the moment but i reckon more drastic steps will be needed. trust me to get one of the stinkiest strains lol. the smell tho is awesome hehe.

as for the clones fingers crossed. i reckon one of them will root. pics tomorrow.