What do we have here?


Well-Known Member
lumens is meaningless with a predominantly blurple spectrum. looking at the test reports, for "XL120"

PPF= 1480 umol/s
power = 1164 W

1.27 umol/J

theyre probably beating the hell out of cheap inefficient diodes, thats the kind of numbers crappy led mfrs were putting out in 2014


Well-Known Member
Am I reading the spec sheet right?
78,000 max lumens at approx 1100W /5.7 amps seems like a lot of power consumption for such low light output?
On my phone right now so I can't look at the data sheets but that lux number does seems low. What distance is that measured at?


Well-Known Member
lumens is meaningless with a predominantly blurple spectrum. looking at the test reports, for "XL120"

PPF= 1480 umol/s
power = 1164 W

1.27 umol/J

theyre probably beating the hell out of cheap inefficient diodes, thats the kind of numbers crappy led mfrs were putting out in 2014
Yeah, probably hawking that junk for $3k too....


Well-Known Member
Think i saw 2500 on that ...lol

Who tf would buy that thing lol.

DEHPS would kick its ass for the same watts and 1/5 the price. Way more efficient too. Which im assuming is its intended replacement as they advertise a 5x5 space.