True,Rinse roots with a gentle spray of water to knock off the slime a little. add hydrogaurd, little lighter feed as stated above. H202 can burn sensitive root hairs no need to test what the strength might be. h202 will kill your hydrogaurd.
water temp is too high. whats the water temp in the bucket????
Slime on roots could possably be algi would have to see it. Know this though... If hydrogaurd takes care of it then it most certanly is not algi Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens helps break down dead organics, make nutrients more available, helps make plants more resistant to arobic and salt stress, and it makes an antibiotic protine that along with competive exclusion will wipe out pithium and other harmfull bacteria. It does not however kill algi.Slime on roots isn't root rot. It's algae which is going to grow in hydro bucket when light is allowed to hit the water. Algae feeds on the light/water mix and create a slime that can be brown, green, red, or no color, depending on the kind of algae it is. To prevent this you have block all of the light from getting into the bucket. Hydroguard might help get rid of it.
I have an un light proof container im growing in now.Slime on roots isn't root rot. It's algae which is going to grow in hydro bucket when light is allowed to hit the water. Algae feeds on the light/water mix and create a slime that can be brown, green, red, or no color, depending on the kind of algae it is. To prevent this you have block all of the light from getting into the bucket. Hydroguard might help get rid of it.
Im not so sure, its that bio slime, stops your roots from feeding. Its more that it eats the nutrients in the media too.slime on roots will prevent nutrient uptake. it's never benign in a hydro grow. it's plant death on a stick.
Wasn't me dude : )Im not so sure, its that bio slime, stops your roots from feeding. Its more that it eats the nutrients in the media too.
I was always under the impression you have to be sterile, in water culture. Until last week, someone here was having problems with rot.
I believe the person was @CookieKush. Who was growing organically. If i got the wrong guy, sorry cookie.
I told him to sterilize everything etc.
Someone else told him to use an organic at home brew.
Turned out my advice was actually counter productive. Adding his tea really helped his reservoir, and had the larger, healthy root mass to prove it.
I have to say i was surprised. Not gonna try it myself. I like it sterile. But it was a great surprise.
I do agree though, most slimes will eat your roots. The slime is just waste from the pathogen feeding on your root ball.
Of course there are algae too.