Not at all. I am in the camp of every vote does count, and people who didn't believe that in 2016 cost us the presidency as well as house and senate seats.
The LAST thing we need at the mid terms is people believing the election is in the bag, so they stay home or cast protest votes. No election is certain, and we need to rip 24 seats out of the cold wet hands of the walking dead. We also need to win about 28 senate races. Many of those are in jeopardy. (there are 24 dems, 2 indies who vote with dems, and 9 republican seats up for re-election in 201
So even if we have a good shot at 24 house seats, I want 100 in the house. I also want to win the senate, which is goint to mean we need to run the board with d and i races, and pick up 2 from the r's. We need turnout to do that. There are only 35 senate seats up for election. We can only lose 7 to gain control.
If people buy the big blue wave crap and figure their votes don't count, we get nothing but 6 more years of trump. And that is exactly what the cabal is going to try to engineer.